Module deltalake::datafusion::logical_expr

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re-export of datafusion_expr crate






  • Constant that is used as a placeholder for any valid timezone. This is used where a function can accept a timestamp type with any valid timezone, it exists to avoid the need to enumerate all possible timezones. See TypeSignature for more details.
  • Default table name for unnamed table


  • Tracks an aggregate function’s state.
  • Trait for implementing AggregateUDF.
  • trait to allow expr to typable with respect to a schema
  • GroupAccumulator implements a single aggregate (e.g. AVG) and stores the state for all groups internally.
  • Trait for converting a type to a Literal literal expression.
  • Partition evaluator for Window Functions
  • Trait for implementing ScalarUDF.
  • The TableSource trait is used during logical query planning and optimizations and provides access to schema information and filter push-down capabilities. This trait provides a subset of the functionality of the TableProvider trait in the core datafusion crate. The TableProvider trait provides additional capabilities needed for physical query execution (such as the ability to perform a scan). The reason for having two separate traits is to avoid having the logical plan code be dependent on the DataFusion execution engine. Other projects may want to use DataFusion’s logical plans and have their own execution engine.
  • Trait for converting a type to a literal timestamp
  • Trait for something that can be formatted as a stringified plan
  • This defines the interface for LogicalPlan nodes that can be used to extend DataFusion with custom relational operators.
  • This trait facilitates implementation of the UserDefinedLogicalNode.
  • Trait for implementing WindowUDF.


  • inverse hyperbolic cosine
  • Return a new expression with a logical AND
  • Returns the approximate number of distinct input values. This function provides an approximation of count(DISTINCT x). Zero is returned if all input values are null. This function should produce a standard error of 0.81%, which is the standard deviation of the (approximately normal) error distribution over all possible sets. It does not guarantee an upper bound on the error for any specific input set.
  • Calculate an approximation of the median for expr.
  • Calculate an approximation of the specified percentile for expr.
  • Calculate an approximation of the specified percentile for expr and weight_expr.
  • Create an expression to represent the array_agg() aggregate function
  • inverse hyperbolic sine
  • inverse tangent
  • inverse tangent of a division given in the argument
  • inverse hyperbolic tangent
  • Create an expression to represent the avg() aggregate function
  • Return a new expression left <op> right
  • Return a new expression with bitwise AND
  • Return a new expression with bitwise OR
  • Return a new expression with bitwise SHIFT LEFT
  • Return a new expression with bitwise SHIFT RIGHT
  • Return a new expression with bitwise XOR
  • Creates a schema for a join operation. The fields from the left side are first
  • Calls a named built in function
  • Create a CASE WHEN statement with literal WHEN expressions for comparison to the base expression.
  • Create a cast expression
  • cube root of a number
  • nearest integer greater than or equal to argument
  • returns coalesce(args...), which evaluates to the value of the first Expr which is not NULL
  • Create a column expression based on a qualified or unqualified column name. Will normalize unquoted identifiers according to SQL rules (identifiers will become lowercase).
  • Concatenates the text representations of all the arguments. NULL arguments are ignored.
  • concatenates several strings
  • Concatenates all but the first argument, with separators. The first argument is used as the separator. NULL arguments in values are ignored.
  • concatenates several strings, placing a seperator between each one
  • cosine
  • hyperbolic cosine
  • cotangent
  • Create an expression to represent the count() aggregate function
  • Create an expression to represent the count(distinct) aggregate function
  • Creates a new UDAF with a specific signature, state type and return type. The signature and state type must match the Accumulator's implementation.
  • Convenience method to create a new user defined scalar function (UDF) with a specific signature and specific return type.
  • Creates a new UDWF with a specific signature, state type and return type.
  • Create a grouping set for all combination of exprs
  • converts radians to degrees
  • Print the schema in a compact representation to buf
  • whether the string ends with the suffix
  • Create an EXISTS subquery expression
  • exponential
  • factorial
  • Returns a value in the range of 1 to N if the string str is in the string list strlist consisting of N substrings
  • nearest integer less than or equal to argument
  • greatest common divisor
  • Create a grouping set
  • Create an unqualified column expression from the provided name, without normalizing the column.
  • Create an in_list expression
  • Create an IN subquery expression
  • converts the first letter of each word in string in uppercase and the remaining characters in lowercase
  • Create is false expression
  • Create is not false expression
  • Create is not true expression
  • Create is not unknown expression
  • Create is null expression
  • Create is true expression
  • Create is unknown expression
  • returns true if a given number is +0.0 or -0.0 otherwise returns false
  • least common multiple
  • returns the first n characters in the string
  • Create a literal expression
  • Create a literal timestamp expression
  • natural logarithm (base e) of number
  • logarithm of a x for a particular base
  • base 2 logarithm of number
  • base 10 logarithm of number
  • fill up a string to the length by prepending the characters
  • Create an expression to represent the max() aggregate function
  • Calculate the median for expr.
  • Create an expression to represent the min() aggregate function
  • returns x if x is not NaN otherwise returns y
  • Return a new expression with a logical NOT
  • Create a NOT EXISTS subquery expression
  • Create a NOT IN subquery expression
  • Return a new expression with a logical OR
  • Create an out reference column which hold a reference that has been resolved to a field outside of the current plan.
  • Returns an approximate value of π
  • Create placeholder value that will be filled in (such as $1)
  • base raised to the power of exponent
  • Computes the schema of the result produced by applying a projection to the input logical plan.
  • converts degrees to radians
  • Returns a random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0
  • reverses the string
  • returns the last n characters in the string
  • Create a grouping set for rollup
  • round to nearest integer
  • fill up a string to the length by appending the characters
  • Create a scalar subquery expression
  • sign of the argument (-1, 0, +1)
  • sine
  • hyperbolic sine
  • square root of a number
  • Create an expression to represent the stddev() aggregate function
  • finds the position from where the substring matches the string
  • substring from the position to the end
  • Returns the substring from str before count occurrences of the delimiter
  • substring from the position with length characters
  • Create an expression to represent the sum() aggregate function
  • Create a LogicalPlanBuilder representing a scan of a table with the provided name and schema. This is mostly used for testing and documentation.
  • replaces the characters in from with the counterpart in to
  • truncate toward zero, with optional precision
  • Create a try cast expression
  • Union two logical plans.
  • Create a CASE WHEN statement with boolean WHEN expressions and no base expression.
  • Create an ‘*’ Expr::Wildcard expression that matches all columns
  • Wrap projection for a plan, if the join keys contains normal expression.

Type Aliases§

  • Factory that returns an accumulator for the given aggregate, given its return datatype.
  • Monotonicity of the ScalarFunctionExpr with respect to its arguments. Each element of this vector corresponds to an argument and indicates whether the function’s behavior is monotonic, or non-monotonic/unknown for that argument, namely:
  • Factory that creates a PartitionEvaluator for the given window function
  • Factory that returns the functions’s return type given the input argument types
  • Scalar function
  • Factory that returns the types used by an aggregator to serialize its state, given its return datatype.