Module attributes

Expand description

A documentation-only module for #[deku] attributes


To understand the Scope column of the table below:

#[deku(/* top-level */)]
struct DekuStruct {
    #[deku( /* field */)]
    field: u8,

#[deku(/* top-level */)]
enum DekuEnum {
    #[deku(/* variant */)]

    #[deku(/* variant */)]
    VariantB( #[deku(/* field */)] u8 ),

    #[deku(/* variant */)]
    VariantC {
        #[deku( /* field */)]
        field: u8,

§List of attributes

endiantop-level, fieldSet the endianness
magictop-levelA magic value that must be present at the start of this struct/enum
seek_from_currenttop-level, fieldSets the offset of reader and writer to the current position plus the specified number of bytes
seek_from_endtop-level, fieldSets the offset to the size of reader and writer plus the specified number of bytes
seek_from_starttop-level, fieldSets the offset of reader and writer to provided number of bytes
seek_rewindtop-level, fieldRewind the reader and writer to the beginning
assertfieldAssert a condition
assert_eqfieldAssert equals on the field
bitsfieldSet the bit-size of the field
bytesfieldSet the byte-size of the field
countfieldSet the field representing the element count of a container
bits_readfieldSet the field representing the number of bits to read into a container
bytes_readfieldSet the field representing the number of bytes to read into a container
untilfieldSet a predicate returning when to stop reading elements into a container
read_allfieldRead until reader.end() returns true
updatefieldApply code over the field when .update() is called
tempfieldRead the field but exclude it from the struct/enum
temp_valuefieldWrite the field but exclude it from the struct/enum
skipfieldSkip the reading/writing of a field
pad_bytes_beforefieldSkip bytes before reading, pad before writing
pad_bits_beforefieldSkip bits before reading, pad before writing
pad_bytes_afterfieldSkip bytes after reading, pad after writing
pad_bits_afterfieldSkip bits after reading, pad after writing
condfieldConditional expression for the field
defaultfieldProvide default value. Used with skip or cond
bitsfieldSet the bit-size of the field
readervariant, fieldCustom reader code
writervariant, fieldCustom writer code
ctxtop-level, fieldContext list for context sensitive parsing
ctx_defaulttop-level, fieldDefault context values
enum: idtop-level, variantenum or variant id value
enum: id_endiantop-levelEndianness of just the enum id
enum: id_patvariantvariant id match pattern
enum: typetop-levelSet the type of the variant id
enum: bitstop-levelSet the bit-size of the variant id
enum: bytestop-levelSet the byte-size of the variant id


Set to read/write bytes in a specific byte order.

Values: big, little or an expression which returns a Endian

Precedence: field > top-level > system endianness (default)


// #[deku(endian = "little")] // top-level, defaults to system endianness
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(endian = "big")] // field-level override
    field_be: u16,
    field_default: u16, // defaults to top-level

let data: &[u8] = &[0xAB, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xCD];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
       field_be: 0xABCD,
       field_default: 0xCDAB,

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, &*value);

Note: The endian is passed as a context argument to sub-types


#[deku(endian = "endian", ctx = "endian: deku::ctx::Endian")] // context passed from `DekuTest` top-level endian
struct Child {
    field_a: u16

#[deku(endian = "little")] // top-level, defaults to system endianness
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(endian = "big")] // field-level override
    field_be: u16,
    field_default: u16, // defaults to top-level

    // because a top-level endian is specified,
    // it is passed as a context
    field_child: Child,

let data: &[u8] = &[0xAB, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xBE];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
       field_be: 0xABCD,
       field_default: 0xCDAB,
       field_child: Child { field_a: 0xBEEF }

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*data, value);


Sets a “magic” value that must be present in the data at the start of a struct/enum when reading, and that is written out of the start of that type’s data when writing.


#[deku(magic = b"deku")]
struct DekuTest {
    data: u8

let data: &[u8] = &[b'd', b'e', b'k', b'u', 50];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest { data: 50 },

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, value);


Using the internal reader, seek to current position plus offset before reading field.

Field Example:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    // how many following bytes to skip
    skip_u8: u8,
    #[deku(seek_from_current = "*skip_u8")]
    byte: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x00, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (_amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest { skip_u8: 0x01, byte: 0x02 },

let bytes = value.to_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(bytes, data);

Top-Level Example (with ctx usage):

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(seek_from_current = "skip", ctx = "skip: usize")]
struct DekuTest {
    byte: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x00, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);
let mut reader = Reader::new(&mut cursor);

let value = DekuTest::from_reader_with_ctx(&mut reader, 1).unwrap();

    DekuTest { byte: 0x02 },

let mut buf = vec![];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut buf);
let mut writer = Writer::new(&mut cursor);
let bytes = value.to_writer(&mut writer, 1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, data);


Using the internal reader, seek to size of reader plus offset before reading field.

Field Example:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(seek_from_end = "-2")]
    byte: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0xff, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (_amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest { byte: 0xff },

// NOTE: to_bytes() doesn't work, because we need `seek_from_end` to already
// have a correct allocated buffer length!
let mut buf = vec![0x01, 0x00, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut buf);
let mut writer = Writer::new(&mut cursor);
let _ = value.to_writer(&mut writer, ()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, data);

Top-Level Example:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(seek_from_end = "-2")]
struct DekuTest {
    byte: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0xff, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (_amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest { byte: 0xff },

// NOTE: to_bytes() doesn't work, because we need `seek_from_end` to already
// have a correct allocated buffer length!
let mut buf = vec![0x01, 0x00, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut buf);
let mut writer = Writer::new(&mut cursor);
let _ = value.to_writer(&mut writer, ()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, data);


Using the internal reader, seek from reader start plus offset before reading field.

Field Example:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(seek_from_start = "2")]
    byte: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0xff, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (_amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest { byte: 0x02 },

// NOTE: to_bytes() doesn't work, because we need `seek_from_start` to already
// have a correct allocated buffer length!
let mut buf = vec![0x01, 0xff, 0x00];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut buf);
let mut writer = Writer::new(&mut cursor);
let _ = value.to_writer(&mut writer, ()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, data);

Top-Leve Example:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(seek_from_start = "2")]
struct DekuTest {
    byte: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0xff, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (_amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest { byte: 0x02 },

// NOTE: to_bytes() doesn't work, because we need `seek_from_start` to already
// have a correct allocated buffer length!
let mut buf = vec![0x01, 0xff, 0x00];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut buf);
let mut writer = Writer::new(&mut cursor);
let _ = value.to_writer(&mut writer, ()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, data);


Rewind the internal reader to starting position.

Field Example:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    byte_01: u8,
    byte_02: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0xff];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (_amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest { byte_01: 0xff, byte_02: 0xff },
let bytes = value.to_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(bytes, data);

Top-Level Example:

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    byte: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0xff];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (_amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest { byte: 0xff},
let bytes = value.to_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(bytes, data);


Assert a condition after reading and before writing a field


struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(assert = "*data >= 8")]
    data: u8

let data: &[u8] = &[0x00, 0x01, 0x02];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data);

    Err(DekuError::Assertion(" field failed assertion: * data >= 8".into())),


Assert equals after reading and before writing a field


struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(assert_eq = "0x01")]
    data: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01];

let mut value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest { data: 0x01 },
); = 0x02;

let value: Result<Vec<u8>, DekuError> = value.try_into();

    Err(DekuError::Assertion(" field failed assertion: data == 0x01".into())),


Set the bit-size of the field

Note: Cannot be used in combination with bytes


struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(bits = 2)]
    field_a: u8,
    #[deku(bits = 6)]
    field_b: u8,
    field_c: u8, // defaults to size_of<u8>*8

let data: &[u8] = &[0b11_101010, 0xFF];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
       field_a: 0b11,
       field_b: 0b101010,
       field_c: 0xFF,

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*data, value);


Set the byte-size of the field

Note: Cannot be used in combination with bits


struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(bytes = 2)]
    field_a: u32,
    field_b: u8, // defaults to size_of<u8>

let data: &[u8] = &[0xAB, 0xCD, 0xFF];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
       field_a: 0xCDAB,
       field_b: 0xFF,

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, value);


Specify the field representing the length of the container, i.e. a Vec


struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(update = "self.items.len()")]
    count: u8,
    #[deku(count = "count")]
    items: Vec<u8>,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x02, 0xAB, 0xCD];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
       count: 0x02,
       items: vec![0xAB, 0xCD],

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, value);

Note: See update for more information on the attribute!


Specify the field representing the total number of bytes to read into a container

See the following example, where InnerDekuTest is 2 bytes, so setting bytes_read to 4 will read 2 items into the container:

struct InnerDekuTest {
    field_a: u8,
    field_b: u8

struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(update = "(self.items.len() / 2)")]
    bytes: u8,

    #[deku(bytes_read = "bytes")]
    items: Vec<InnerDekuTest>,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x04, 0xAB, 0xBC, 0xDE, 0xEF];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
       bytes: 0x04,
       items: vec![
           InnerDekuTest{field_a: 0xAB, field_b: 0xBC},
           InnerDekuTest{field_a: 0xDE, field_b: 0xEF}],

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*data, value);

Note: See update for more information on the attribute!


This is equivalent to bytes_read, however specifies the bit limit instead of a byte limit


Specifies a predicate which sets when to stop reading values into the container.

Note: The last value which matches the predicate is read

The predicate is given a borrow to each item as it is read, and must return a boolean as to whether this should be the last item or not. If it returns true, then reading stops.

A good example of this is to read a null-terminated string:

struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(until = "|v: &u8| *v == 0")]
    string: Vec<u8>

let data: &[u8] = &[b'H', b'e', b'l', b'l', b'o', 0];
let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
        string: CString::new(b"Hello".to_vec()).unwrap().into_bytes_with_nul()


Read values into the container until reader.end() returns true.


struct InnerDekuTest {
    field_a: u8,
    field_b: u8

struct DekuTest {
    items: Vec<InnerDekuTest>,

let data: &[u8] = &[0xAB, 0xBC, 0xDE, 0xEF];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
       items: vec![
           InnerDekuTest{field_a: 0xAB, field_b: 0xBC},
           InnerDekuTest{field_a: 0xDE, field_b: 0xEF}],

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*data, value);


Specify custom code to run on the field when .update() is called on the struct/enum


use deku::prelude::*;
use std::convert::{TryInto, TryFrom};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(update = "self.items.len()")]
    count: u8,
    #[deku(count = "count")]
    items: Vec<u8>,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x02, 0xAB, 0xCD];

// `mut` so it can be updated
let mut value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest { count: 0x02, items: vec![0xAB, 0xCD] },

// push a new item to the vec

// update it, this will update the `count` field

    DekuTest { count: 0x03, items: vec![0xAB, 0xCD, 0xFF] },

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0x03, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xFF], value);


A temporary field

Included in the reading of the struct/enum but not stored

Note: Struct/enum must be derived with #[deku_derive(...)] to derive DekuRead and/or DekuWrite, not with #[derive(...)]. This is because the struct/enum needs to be modified at compile time.


#[deku_derive(DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct DekuTest {
    num_items: u8,

    #[deku(count = "num_items", endian = "big")]
    items: Vec<u16>,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0xBE, 0xEF];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
       items: vec![0xBEEF]

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0xBE, 0xEF], value);


Value for temporary field

Will be written on corresponding offset of the struct/enum

Note: Struct/enum must be derived with #[deku_derive(...)] to derive DekuRead and/or DekuWrite, not with #[derive(...)]. This is because the struct/enum needs to be modified at compile time.


#[deku_derive(DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(temp, temp_value = "items.len() as u8")]
    num_items: u8,

    #[deku(count = "num_items", endian = "big")]
    items: Vec<u16>,

let value = DekuTest {
    items: vec![0xDEAD, 0xBEEF]
let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0x02, 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF], value);


Skip the reading/writing of a field.

Defaults value to default

Note: Can be paired with cond to have conditional skipping


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    field_a: u8,
    field_b: Option<u8>,
    field_c: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x02];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest { field_a: 0x01, field_b: None, field_c: 0x02 },


Skip a number of bytes before reading, pad with 0x00s before writing


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
pub struct DekuTest {
    pub field_a: u8,
    #[deku(pad_bytes_before = "2")]
    pub field_b: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
        field_a: 0xAA,
        field_b: 0xDD,

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDD], value);


Skip a number of bytes before reading, pad with 0s before writing


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(bits = 2)]
    field_a: u8,
    #[deku(pad_bits_before = "2", bits = 4)]
    field_b: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0b10_01_1001];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
        field_a: 0b10,
        field_b: 0b1001,

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0b10_00_1001], value);


Skip a number of bytes after reading, pad with 0x00s after writing


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
pub struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(pad_bytes_after = "2")]
    pub field_a: u8,
    pub field_b: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
        field_a: 0xAA,
        field_b: 0xDD,

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDD], value);


Skip a number of bytes after reading, pad with 0s after writing


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(bits = 2, pad_bits_after = "2")]
    field_a: u8,
    #[deku(bits = 4)]
    field_b: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0b10_01_1001];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
        field_a: 0b10,
        field_b: 0b1001,

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0b10_00_1001], value);


Specify a condition to parse or skip a field

Note: Can be paired with default


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    field_a: u8,
    #[deku(cond = "*field_a == 0x01")]
    field_b: Option<u8>,
    #[deku(cond = "*field_b == Some(0xFF)", default = "Some(0x05)")]
    field_c: Option<u8>,
    #[deku(skip, cond = "*field_a == 0x01", default = "Some(0x06)")]
    field_d: Option<u8>,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x02];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest { field_a: 0x01, field_b: Some(0x02), field_c: Some(0x05), field_d: Some(0x06)},

    vec![0x01, 0x02, 0x05],


Default code tokens used with skip or cond

Defaults to Default::default()


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    field_a: u8,
    #[deku(skip, default = "Some(*field_a)")]
    field_b: Option<u8>,
    field_c: u8,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x02];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest { field_a: 0x01, field_b: Some(0x01), field_c: 0x02 },


Specify a function or lambda to apply to the result of the read


Read a u8 and apply a function to convert it to a String.

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead)]
struct DekuTest {
    #[deku(map = "|field: u8| -> Result<_, DekuError> { Ok(field.to_string()) }")]
    field_a: String,
    #[deku(map = "DekuTest::map_field_b")]
    field_b: String,

impl DekuTest {
    fn map_field_b(field_b: u8) -> Result<String, DekuError> {

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x02];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest { field_a: "1".to_string(), field_b: "2".to_string() },


Specify custom reader or writer tokens for reading a field or variant


use std::convert::{TryInto, TryFrom};
use deku::bitvec::{BitSlice, BitVec, Msb0};
use deku::prelude::*;

struct DekuTest {
        reader = "DekuTest::read(deku::reader)",
        writer = "DekuTest::write(deku::writer, &self.field_a)"
    field_a: String,

impl DekuTest {
    /// Read and convert to String
    fn read<R: std::io::Read + std::io::Seek>(
        reader: &mut deku::reader::Reader<R>,
    ) -> Result<String, DekuError> {
        let value = u8::from_reader_with_ctx(reader, ())?;

    /// Parse from String to u8 and write
    fn write<W: std::io::Write + std::io::Seek>(writer: &mut Writer<W>, field_a: &str) -> Result<(), DekuError> {
        let value = field_a.parse::<u8>().unwrap();
        value.to_writer(writer, ())

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest { field_a: "1".to_string() },

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, &*value);


This attribute allows sending and receiving context (variables/values) to sub-parsers/writers

Note: endian, bytes, bits, count attributes use ctx internally, see examples below

top-level: The value of a ctx attribute is a function argument list, for example #[deku(ctx = "a: u8, b: String")]

field-level: The value of the ctx attribute is a list of expressions, for example #[deku("a, b")]

Visibility: The following can be accessed:

  1. All former fields which have been parsed (given as a reference).
  2. endian, bytes, bits attributes declared on the top-level
    • These are prepended to the list of ctx variables

Note: The enum or struct that uses ctx will not implement DekuContainerRead or DekuContainerWrite unless ctx_default is also used.


#[derive(DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(ctx = "a: u8")]
struct Subtype {
    #[deku(map = "|b: u8| -> Result<_, DekuError> { Ok(b + a) }")]
    b: u8

#[derive(DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct Test {
    a: u8,
    #[deku(ctx = "*a")] // pass `a` to `SubType`, `a` is a reference
    sub: Subtype

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (amt_read, value) = Test::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value.a, 0x01);
assert_eq!(value.sub.b, 0x01 + 0x02)

Note: In addition, endian, bytes and bits use the ctx concept internally, examples below are equivalent:


struct Type1 {
    #[deku(endian = "big", bits = 1)]
    field: u8,

// is equivalent to

struct Type1 {
    #[deku(ctx = "Endian::Big, BitSize(1)")]
    field: u8,

Example: Adding context

#[deku(endian = "big")]
struct Type1 {
    field_a: u16,
    #[deku(bits = 5, ctx = "*field_a")]
    field_b: SubType,

// is equivalent to

struct Type1 {
    #[deku(ctx = "Endian::Big")]
    field_a: u16,
    #[deku(ctx = "Endian::Big, BitSize(5), *field_a")] // endian is prepended
    field_b: SubType,


When paired with the ctx attribute, ctx_default provides default values for the context


#[derive(DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(ctx = "a: u8", ctx_default = "1")] // Defaults `a` to 1
struct Subtype {
    #[deku(map = "|b: u8| -> Result<_, DekuError> { Ok(b + a) }")]
    b: u8

#[derive(DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct Test {
    a: u8,
    #[deku(ctx = "*a")] // pass `a` to `SubType`, `a` is a reference
    sub: Subtype

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

// Use with context from `Test`
let (amt_read, value) = Test::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value.a, 0x01);
assert_eq!(value.sub.b, 0x01 + 0x02);

// Use as a stand-alone container, using defaults
// Note: `from_reader` is now available on `SubType`
let data: &[u8] = &[0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (amt_read, value) = Subtype::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value.b, 0x01 + 0x02)


§id (top-level)

Specify the enum id

This is useful in cases when the enum id is already consumed or is given externally


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
struct DekuTest {
    my_id: u8,
    data: u8,
    #[deku(ctx = "*my_id")]
    enum_from_id: MyEnum,

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, DekuRead, DekuWrite)]
#[deku(ctx = "my_id: u8", id = "my_id")]
enum MyEnum {
    #[deku(id = 1)]
    #[deku(id = 2)]

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01_u8, 0xff, 0xab];
let ret_read = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();

    DekuTest {
        my_id: 0x01,
        data: 0xff,
        enum_from_id: MyEnum::VariantA(0xab),

let ret_write: Vec<u8> = ret_read.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*ret_write, data)

§id (variant)

Specify the identifier of the enum variant, must be paired with type or id (top-level)

Note: - If no id is specified, it is defaulted to the discriminant value. - The discriminant value is retrieved using the as keyword.


#[deku(id_type = "u8")]
enum DekuTest {
    #[deku(id = 0x01)]
    #[deku(id = 0x02)]
    VariantB(u8, u16),

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0xFF, 0x02, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xBE];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();


let variant_bytes: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0x01, 0xFF], variant_bytes);

let (amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest::VariantB(0xAB, 0xBEEF),

let variant_bytes: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0x02, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xBE], variant_bytes);

Example discriminant

#[deku(id_type = "u8")]
enum DekuTest {
    VariantA = 0x01,

let data: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x02];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();


let variant_bytes: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0x01], variant_bytes);

let (rest, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();


let variant_bytes: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0x02], variant_bytes);


Specify the endianness of the variant id, without mandating the same endianness for the fields.


#[deku(id_type = "u16", id_endian = "big", endian = "little")]
enum DekuTest {
    // Takes its endianness from the enum spec
    #[deku(id = "0x01")]
    // Force the endianness on the field
    #[deku(id = "0x02")]
    VariantBig {
        #[deku(endian = "big")]
        x: u16,

let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00];

let (_, value) = DekuTest::from_bytes((data.as_ref(), 0)).unwrap();


// ID changes, data bytes the same
let data: Vec<u8> = vec![0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00];

let (_, value) = DekuTest::from_bytes((data.as_ref(), 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest::VariantBig { x: 256 },


Specify the identifier in the form of a match pattern for the enum variant.

The enum variant must have space to store the identifier for proper writing.


#[deku(id_type = "u8")]
enum DekuTest {
    #[deku(id = 0x01)]
    #[deku(id_pat = "0x02..=0x06")]
    VariantB {
        id: u8
    #[deku(id_pat = "_")]

let data: &[u8] = &[0x03, 0xFF];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest::VariantB { id: 0x03 },

let variant_bytes: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0x03], variant_bytes);

let (rest, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();


let variant_bytes: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vec![0xFF], variant_bytes);


Specify the type of the enum variant id to consume, see example


Set the bit size of the enum variant id

Note: Cannot be used in combination with bytes


#[deku(id_type = "u8", bits = 4)]
enum DekuTest {
    #[deku(id = 0b1001)]
    VariantA( #[deku(bits = 4)] u8, u8),

let data: &[u8] = &[0b1001_0110, 0xFF];
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(data);

let (amt_read, value) = DekuTest::from_reader((&mut cursor, 0)).unwrap();

    DekuTest::VariantA(0b0110, 0xFF),

let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, value);


Set the byte size of the enum variant id

Note: Cannot be used in combination with bits


#[deku(id_type = "u32", bytes = 2)]
enum DekuTest {
    #[deku(id = 0xBEEF)]

let data: &[u8] = &[0xEF, 0xBE, 0xFF];

let value = DekuTest::try_from(data).unwrap();


let value: Vec<u8> = value.try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, value);