Crate dekor

Expand description


Simple to use general character and styling library for Rust.


  • Ease of Use: Apply multiple text styles with a single macro call or function.
  • Safety: Macro compile-time checks prevent the use of invalid style names.
  • Flexible Styling:: The style!() macro supports.
    • Generating styled strings for console output using ANSI codes.
    • Coloring text foreground and background.
    • Applying bold, underline(Markdown doesn’t do underlined), and italicize the text in any combination
  • RGB Color Support: Apply custom text colors using RGB values.
  • Comprehensive Character Set: The Utf8 enum provides various UTF-8 characters

§Getting Started

To start using Dekor, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

dekor = "0.2.2"
  • Minimum supported Rust version: 1.56.1


§Basic Text Styling

use dekor::*;
fn main() {
  let decorated_text_macro = style!(Bold, Underline, FGBlue => "This is decorated text");
  println!("{}", decorated_text_macro);
  // Output will be blue text that is underlined and bolded.
  let styles = [Style::Bold, Style::Underline, Style::FGBlue];
  let decorated_text_function = style(styles, "This is decorated text");
  assert_eq!(decorated_text_macro, decorated_text_function);

§Using RGB Colors

use dekor::*;
fn main() {
    // Applying RGB colors for foreground and background
    let styles = vec![(Style::FGRGB, 255, 100, 50), (Style::BGRGB, 0, 0, 255)];
    let rgb_text_function = styler(styles, "RGB Styled Text");
    println!("{}", rgb_text_function);
    // The text will have a custom foreground and background color.
    let rgb_text_macro = style!((FGRGB, 255, 100, 50), (BGRGB, 0, 0, 255) => "RGB Styled Text");
    assert_eq!(rgb_text_function, rgb_text_macro);

§Working with UTF-8 Characters

use dekor::*;
fn main() {
  let decorated_text = style!(Bold, Underline, FGBlue => "This is decorated text");
  let pipes = format!("{}\n{}{}\n{}{}",
    Utf8::JointPipeSlim, Utf8::HPipeSlim, 
    Utf8::NodePipeSlim, Utf8::HPipeSlim,
  // Output:
  // This is decorated text   <-- Will be blue text that is underlined and bolded
  // │
  // ├—   <-- Note: Markdown will display the horizontal line slimmer than it is
  // └—
  println!("{}\n{}", decorated_text, pipes);

§Example Output:


  • Characters: Utf8::VPipeSlim, Utf8::JointPipeSlim, Utf8::NodePipeCurved, Utf8::HPipeSlim, and Utf8::ModLetterDownArrowhead
  • Styles: FGBlue, Bold OutputExample2
use dekor::*;
fn main() {
  let folder = style!(FGBlue, Bold => "Folder"); // Style the folder
  let down_arrow = style!(Bold, FGGreen => Utf8::ModLetterDownArrowhead); // Style the open/close indicator
  let hpipe = Utf8::HPipeSlim.repeat(2); // `Utf8` implements `Display` and `.repeat()`
    Utf8::VPipeSlim, Utf8::JointPipeSlim, hpipe, down_arrow, folder


pub use style::HexError;
pub use style::as_rgb;
pub use style::to_rgb;
pub use style::style;
pub use style::styler;
pub use style::Style;
pub use characters::Utf8;




Applies ANSI styling to a string using the Style enum.