Crate deepspeech_sys

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@brief Given audio, return a vector suitable for input to a DeepSpeech model trained with the given parameters.
@brief An object providing an interface to a trained DeepSpeech model.
@brief Frees associated resources and destroys model object.
@brief Destroy a streaming state without decoding the computed logits. This can be used if you no longer need the result of an ongoing streaming inference and don’t want to perform a costly decode operation.
@brief Enable decoding using beam scoring with a KenLM language model.
@brief Feed audio samples to an ongoing streaming inference.
@brief Signal the end of an audio signal to an ongoing streaming inference, returns the STT result over the whole audio signal.
@brief Compute the intermediate decoding of an ongoing streaming inference. This is an expensive process as the decoder implementation isn’t currently capable of streaming, so it always starts from the beginning of the audio.
@brief Print version of this library and of the linked TensorFlow library.
@brief Create a new streaming inference state. The streaming state returned by this function can then be passed to {@link DS_FeedAudioContent()} and {@link DS_FinishStream()}.
@brief Use the DeepSpeech model to perform Speech-To-Text.

Type Definitions