Struct deepmesa_collections::bitvec::bitslice::BitSlice[][src]

pub struct BitSlice(_);
Expand description

A slice of bits backed by a BitVector.

The BitSlice is an unsized type and is a view into a range within a BitVector. A BitVector can produce mutable or immutable slices which in turn can be subsliced.

The BitSlice is a wrapper around [u8] and borrows memory via reference types &BitSlice and &mut BitSlice. The memory in a BitSlice is owned and managed by the underlying BitVector.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1011_0011, None);
bv.push_u8(0b1011_0011, None);

let slice = &bv[0..16];

assert_eq!(slice.len(), 16);
assert_eq!(slice[0], true);
assert_eq!(slice[1], false);

let slice_mut = &mut bv[9..11];
assert_eq!(slice_mut[0], false);
slice_mut.set(0, true);
assert_eq!(slice_mut[0], true);


Returns the number of bits in the BitSlice


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(22);
bv.push_u8(0b1001_1011, None);
let s = &bv[2..4];
assert_eq!(s.len(), 2);

Fills the slice with the specified bit.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u8(0b1000_0001, None);
let s = &mut bv[1..7];
assert_eq!(bv.read_u8(0), (0b1111_1111, 8));

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the bit at the specified index is set or None if the index is greater than or equal to the number of bits in the slice.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u8(0b1010_0011, None);
let s = &bv[1..7];
assert_eq!(s.get(0), Some(false));
assert_eq!(s.get(1), Some(true));
assert_eq!(s.get(7), None);

Returns a mutable reference to the bit at the specified index or None if the index is greater than or equal to the number of bits in the slice.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1011_1100, None);
assert_eq!(bv[0], true);

let s = &mut bv[0..7];
*s.get_mut(0).unwrap() = false;
assert_eq!(bv[0], false);

Returns true if any bit in the slice is set to 1 and false otherwise.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1011_0000, None);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.any(), true);
let s = &bv[4..8];
assert_eq!(s.any(), false);

Returns true if all the bits in the slice are set to 1 and false otherwise.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1011_1111, None);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.all(), false);
let s = &bv[4..8];
assert_eq!(s.all(), true);

Sets the bit at the specified index with the given bit value.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1011_1111, None);
assert_eq!(bv.get(1), Some(false));

let s = &mut bv[0..4];
s.set(1, true);
assert_eq!(bv.get(1), Some(true));

Counts the number of bits from the start of the bitslice to the first bit set to 0.

Returns 0 if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1111_1000, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b0011_1101, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.leading_ones(), 0);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.leading_ones(), 4);

let s = &bv[8..];
assert_eq!(s.leading_ones(), 0);

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.leading_ones(), 4);

Counts the number of bits from the start of the bitslice to the first bit set to 1.

Returns 0 if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0000_0111, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b1100_0010, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.leading_zeros(), 0);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.leading_zeros(), 4);

let s = &bv[8..];
assert_eq!(s.leading_zeros(), 0);

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.leading_zeros(), 4);

Counts the number of bits from the end of the bitslice to the last bit that is set to 0.

Returns 0 if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0000_0111, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b1100_0111, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.trailing_ones(), 0);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.trailing_ones(), 0);

let s = &bv[4..10];
assert_eq!(s.trailing_ones(), 5);

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.trailing_ones(), 3);

Counts the number of bits from the end of the bitslice to the last bit that is set to 1.

Returns 0 if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1111_1000, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b0011_1000, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.trailing_zeros(), 0);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.trailing_zeros(), 0);

let s = &bv[4..10];
assert_eq!(s.trailing_zeros(), 5);

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.trailing_zeros(), 3);

Counts the bits in the slice that are set to 1. Returns 0 if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1111_1000, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b0011_1000, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.count_ones(), 0);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.count_ones(), 4);

let s = &bv[4..10];
assert_eq!(s.count_ones(), 1);

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.count_ones(), 3);

Counts the bits in the slice that are set to 0. Returns 0 if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0000_0111, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b1100_0111, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.count_zeros(), 0);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.count_zeros(), 4);

let s = &bv[4..10];
assert_eq!(s.count_zeros(), 1);

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.count_zeros(), 3);

Returns the index of the first bit in the BitSlice that is set to 1. Returns None if there are no bits set to 1 or if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0000_0111, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b1100_0111, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.first_one(), None);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.first_one(), None);

let s = &bv[4..10];
assert_eq!(s.first_one(), Some(1));

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.first_one(), Some(3));

Returns the index of the first bit in the BitSlice that is set to 0. Returns None if there are no bits set to 0 or if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1111_1000, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b0011_1000, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.first_zero(), None);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.first_zero(), None);

let s = &bv[4..10];
assert_eq!(s.first_zero(), Some(1));

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.first_zero(), Some(3));

Returns the index of the last bit in the BitSlice that is set to 1. Returns None if there are no bits set to 1 or if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0000_0111, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b1100_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.last_one(), None);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.last_one(), None);

let s = &bv[4..10];
assert_eq!(s.last_one(), Some(5));

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.last_one(), Some(4));

Returns the index of the last bit in the BitSlice that is set to 0. Returns None if there are no bits set to 0 or if the slice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1111_1000, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b0011_1001, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.last_zero(), None);

let s = &bv[0..4];
assert_eq!(s.last_zero(), None);

let s = &bv[4..10];
assert_eq!(s.last_zero(), Some(5));

let s = &bv[10..];
assert_eq!(s.last_zero(), Some(4));

Returns an immutable reference to the first bit in the BitSlice or None if the BitSlice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0010_0100, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.first(), None);

let s = &bv[2..5];
assert_eq!(s.first().as_deref(), Some(&true));

Returns a mutable reference to the first bit in the BitSlice or None if the BitSlice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0010_0100, Some(8));

let s = &mut bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.first_mut(), None);

let s = &mut bv[2..5];
assert_eq!(s.first_mut().as_deref(), Some(&true));
*s.first_mut().unwrap() = false;
assert_eq!(s.first_mut().as_deref(), Some(&false));

Returns an immutable reference to the last bit in the BitSlice or None if the BitSlice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0010_0100, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.last(), None);

let s = &bv[2..5];
assert_eq!(s.last().as_deref(), Some(&false));

Returns a mutable reference to the first bit in the BitSlice or None if the BitSlice is empty.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0010_0100, Some(8));

let s = &mut bv[2..2];
assert_eq!(s.last_mut(), None);

let s = &mut bv[2..6];
assert_eq!(s.last_mut().as_deref(), Some(&true));
*s.last_mut().unwrap() = false;
assert_eq!(s.last_mut().as_deref(), Some(&false));

Iterates over all the bits in the BitSlice that are set to 1.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b0010_0101, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
let mut iter = s.iter_ones();
assert_eq!(, None);

let s = &bv[2..6];
let mut iter = s.iter_ones();
assert_eq!(, Some(0));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, None);

Iterates over all the bits in the BitSlice that are set to 0.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1101_1010, Some(8));

let s = &bv[2..2];
let mut iter = s.iter_zeros();
assert_eq!(, None);

let s = &bv[2..6];
let mut iter = s.iter_zeros();
assert_eq!(, Some(0));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns an iterator over the bits of this BitSlice


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u8(0b1011_0011, None);

let s = &bv[0..3];
let mut iter = s.iter();
assert_eq!(, Some(true));
assert_eq!(, Some(false));
assert_eq!(, Some(true));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns a mutable iterator that allows modifying the bits of this BitSlice


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::with_capacity(20);
bv.push_u8(0b1011_1100, None);
assert_eq!(bv[0], true);

let s = &mut bv[0..7];
let iter = s.iter_mut();
for mut bit in iter {
   *bit = true;
assert_eq!(bv.read_u8(0), (0b1111_1110, 8));

Returns an iterator that iterates over the BitSlice 8 bits at a time. Each invocation of returns a u8 value and the number of bits read. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

The iterator returns None if there are no more bits to return


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u16(0b0101_1101_0011_1010, Some(16));

let s = &bv[..];
let mut iter = s.iter_u8();
assert_eq!(, Some((0b0101_1101, 8)));
assert_eq!(, Some((0b0011_1010, 8)));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns an iterator that iterates over the BitSlice 16 bits at a time. Each invocation of returns a u16 value and the number of bits read. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

The iterator returns None if there are no more bits to return


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u16(0b0101_1101_0011_1010, Some(16));

let s = &bv[..];
let mut iter = s.iter_u16();
assert_eq!(, Some((0b0101_1101_0011_1010, 16)));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns an iterator that iterates over the BitSlice 32 bits at a time. Each invocation of returns a u32 value and the number of bits read. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

The iterator returns None if there are no more bits to return


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u16(0b0101_1101_0011_1010, Some(16));
bv.push_u16(0b1111_0011_1100_0000, Some(16));

let s = &bv[..];
let mut iter = s.iter_u32();
assert_eq!(, Some((0b0101_1101_0011_1010_1111_0011_1100_0000, 32)));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns an iterator that iterates over the BitSlice 64 bits at a time. Each invocation of returns a u64 value and the number of bits read. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

The iterator returns None if there are no more bits to return


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u64(u64::MAX, Some(64));

let s = &bv[..];
let mut iter = s.iter_u64();
assert_eq!(, Some((u64::MAX, 64)));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns an iterator that iterates over the BitSlice 128 bits at a time. Each invocation of returns a u128 value and the number of bits read. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

The iterator returns None if there are no more bits to return


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u64(u64::MAX, Some(64));
bv.push_u64(u64::MAX, Some(64));

let s = &bv[..];
let mut iter = s.iter_u128();
assert_eq!(, Some((u128::MAX, 128)));
assert_eq!(, None);

Returns the contents of this slice as a u8. This method will panic if the length of the slice is greater than or equal to 8. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Returns a u8 value and the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
assert_eq!(s.as_u8(), (0b0011_0110, 8));

If a Result is preferred over a panic, then using the TryFrom<&BitSlice> trait may be used.

Example of TryFrom<&BitSlice> for u8

use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
use core::convert::TryFrom;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[0..8];
match u8::try_from(s) {
    Ok(val) => assert_eq!(val, 0b0011_0110),
    Err(e) => assert!(false, "{}", e),

Returns the contents of this slice as a u16. This method will panic if the length of the slice is greater than or equal to 16. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Returns a u16 value and the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
assert_eq!(s.as_u16(), (0b0011_0110_0011_0110, 16));

If a Result is preferred over a panic, then using the TryFrom<&BitSlice> trait may be used.

Example of TryFrom<&BitSlice> for u16

use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
use core::convert::TryFrom;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
match u16::try_from(s) {
    Ok(val) => assert_eq!(val, 0b0011_0110_0011_0110),
    Err(e) => assert!(false, "{}", e),

Returns the contents of this slice as a u32. This method will panic if the length of the slice is greater than or equal to 32. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Returns a u32 value and the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u32(u32::MAX, Some(32));

let s = &bv[..];
assert_eq!(s.as_u32(), (u32::MAX, 32));

If a Result is preferred over a panic, then using the TryFrom<&BitSlice> trait may be used.

Example of TryFrom<&BitSlice> for u32

use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
use core::convert::TryFrom;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u32(u32::MAX, Some(32));

let s = &bv[..];
match u32::try_from(s) {
    Ok(val) => assert_eq!(val, u32::MAX),
    Err(e) => assert!(false, "{}", e),

Returns the contents of this slice as a u64. This method will panic if the length of the slice is greater than or equal to 64. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Returns a u64 value and the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u64(u64::MAX, Some(64));

let s = &bv[..];
assert_eq!(s.as_u64(), (u64::MAX, 64));

If a Result is preferred over a panic, then using the TryFrom<&BitSlice> trait may be used.

Example of TryFrom<&BitSlice> for u64

use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
use core::convert::TryFrom;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u64(u64::MAX, Some(64));

let s = &bv[..];
match u64::try_from(s) {
    Ok(val) => assert_eq!(val, u64::MAX),
    Err(e) => assert!(false, "{}", e),

Returns the contents of this slice as a u128. This method will panic if the length of the slice is greater than or equal to 128. The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Returns a u128 value and the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u128(u128::MAX, Some(128));

let s = &bv[..];
assert_eq!(s.as_u128(), (u128::MAX, 128));

If a Result is preferred over a panic, then using the TryFrom<&BitSlice> trait may be used.

Example of TryFrom<&BitSlice> for u128

use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
use core::convert::TryFrom;

let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u128(u128::MAX, Some(128));

let s = &bv[..];
match u128::try_from(s) {
    Ok(val) => assert_eq!(val, u128::MAX),
    Err(e) => assert!(false, "{}", e),

Reads upto 8 bits from this BitSlice into a u8 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_u8(0);
assert_eq!(read, 8);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0011_0110);

let (val, read) = s.read_u8(4);
assert_eq!(read, 4);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0000_0110);

Reads upto 16 bits from this BitSlice into a u16 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u16(0b0011_0110_1100_0011, Some(16));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_u16(0);
assert_eq!(read, 16);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0011_0110_1100_0011);

let (val, read) = s.read_u16(4);
assert_eq!(read, 12);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0000_0110_1100_0011);

Reads upto 32 bits from this BitSlice into a u32 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u16(0b0011_0110_1100_0011, Some(16));
bv.push_u16(0b1100_1010_0100_1100, Some(16));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_u32(0);
assert_eq!(read, 32);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0011_0110_1100_0011_1100_1010_0100_1100);

let (val, read) = s.read_u16(16);
assert_eq!(read, 16);
assert_eq!(val, 0b1100_1010_0100_1100);

Reads upto 64 bits from this BitSlice into a u64 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u16(0b0011_0110_1100_0011, Some(16));
bv.push_u16(0b1100_1010_0100_1100, Some(16));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_u64(20);
assert_eq!(read, 12);
assert_eq!(val, 0b1010_0100_1100);

let (val, read) = s.read_u64(16);
assert_eq!(read, 16);
assert_eq!(val, 0b1100_1010_0100_1100);

Reads upto 128 bits from this BitSlice into a u128 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
bv.push_u16(0b0011_0110_1100_0011, Some(16));
bv.push_u16(0b1100_1010_0100_1100, Some(16));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = bv.read_u128(20);
assert_eq!(read, 12);
assert_eq!(val, 0b1010_0100_1100);

let (val, read) = s.read_u128(16);
assert_eq!(read, 16);
assert_eq!(val, 0b1100_1010_0100_1100);

Reads upto max_bits bits from this BitSlice into a u8 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if max_bits is greater than 8 or if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Here is an illustrative example for a slice with 8 bits.

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[ 0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0 ]
 MSB [_______] LSB
      ^ Start = 2

value read = 0b1101

Reading 4 bits from the start position of 2, results in a u8 value of decimal 13.

This method returns the read value as well as the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
// Push 8 bits: 0b0011_0110
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_bits_u8(2, 4);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0000_1101);
assert_eq!(val, 13);

Reads upto max_bits bits from this BitSlice into a u16 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if max_bits is greater than 16 or if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Here is an illustrative example for a slice with 8 bits.

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[ 0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0 ]
 MSB [_______] LSB
      ^ Start = 2

value read = 0b1101

Reading 4 bits from the start position of 2, results in a u16 value of decimal 13.

This method returns the read value as well as the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
// Push 8 bits: 0b0011_0110
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_bits_u16(2, 4);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0000_1101);
assert_eq!(val, 13);

Reads upto max_bits bits from this BitSlice into a u32 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if max_bits is greater than 32 or if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Here is an illustrative example for a slice with 8 bits.

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[ 0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0 ]
 MSB [_______] LSB
      ^ Start = 2

value read = 0b1101

Reading 4 bits from the start position of 2, results in a u32 value of decimal 13.

This method returns the read value as well as the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
// Push 8 bits: 0b0011_0110
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_bits_u32(2, 4);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0000_1101);
assert_eq!(val, 13);

Reads upto max_bits bits from this BitSlice into a u64 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if max_bits is greater than 64 or if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Here is an illustrative example for a slice with 8 elements.

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[ 0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0 ]
 MSB [_______] LSB
      ^ Start = 2

value read = 0b1101

Reading 4 bits from the start position of 2, results in a u64 value of decimal 13.

This method returns the read value as well as the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
// Push 8 bits: 0b0011_0110
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_bits_u64(2, 4);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0000_1101);
assert_eq!(val, 13);

Reads upto max_bits bits from this BitSlice into a u128 starting at the specified start position. This method will panic if max_bits is greater than 128 or if start is greater than or equal to the length of the slice.

The bits are read from the lower to the higher index from the slice and shifted right, so the bit at the lower index is the MSB of returned value while the bit at the highest index is the LSB.

Here is an illustrative example for a slice with 8 bits.

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[ 0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0 ]
 MSB [_______] LSB
      ^ Start = 2

value read = 0b1101

Reading 4 bits from the start position of 2, results in a u128 value of decimal 13.

This method returns the read value as well as the number of bits read as a tuple.


use deepmesa::collections::BitVector;
let mut bv = BitVector::new();
// Push 8 bits: 0b0011_0110
bv.push_u8(0b0011_0110, Some(8));

let s = &bv[..];
let (val, read) = s.read_bits_u128(2, 4);
assert_eq!(val, 0b0000_1101);
assert_eq!(val, 13);

Trait Implementations

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The resulting type after applying the & operator.

Performs the & operation. Read more

Performs the &= operation. Read more

Performs the &= operation. Read more

Performs the &= operation. Read more

Performs the &= operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

Performs the | operation. Read more

Performs the |= operation. Read more

Performs the |= operation. Read more

Performs the |= operation. Read more

Performs the |= operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the ^ operator.

Performs the ^ operation. Read more

Performs the ^= operation. Read more

Performs the ^= operation. Read more

Performs the ^= operation. Read more

Performs the ^= operation. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The returned type after indexing.

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

Performs the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

Performs the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

Performs the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

Performs the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

Performs the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

Performs the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

The type of the elements being iterated over.

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

The resulting type after applying the ! operator.

Performs the unary ! operation. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more