Crate debug_stub_derive [] [src]

This crate provides the DebugStub derive macro.

The DebugStub derive macro can be used as a drop-in replacement for the standard fmt::Debug when certain members of a struct or enum do not or cannot implement the fmt::Debug trait themselves, but the containing struct or enum still wants or needs to implement it.


Using DebugStub with structs:

extern crate debug_stub_derive;

// A struct from an external crate which does not implement the `fmt::Debug`
// trait.
pub struct ExternalCrateStruct;

// A struct in the current crate which wants to cleanly expose
// itself to the outside world with an implementation of `fmt::Debug`.
pub struct PubStruct {
    a: bool,
    // Define a replacement debug serialization for the external struct.
    b: ExternalCrateStruct

assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", PubStruct {
    a: true,
    b: ExternalCrateStruct

}), "PubStruct { a: true, b: ReplacementValue }");

Using DebugStub with enums:

pub struct ExternalCrateStruct;

pub enum PubEnum {

assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", PubEnum::VariantA(

)), "VariantA(42, ReplacementValue)");

Using DebugStub with Option and Result types:

pub struct ExternalCrateStruct;

pub struct PubStruct {
    a: Option<ExternalCrateStruct>,
    b: Result<ExternalCrateStruct, ()>

assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", PubStruct {
    a: Some(ExternalCrateStruct),
    b: Ok(ExternalCrateStruct)

}), "PubStruct { a: Some(ReplacementSomeValue), b: Ok(ReplacementOkValue) }");



Implementation of the #[derive(DebugStub)] derive macro.