Crate debounced

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Utility for building delayed Futures and debounced Streams that wait a given duration before yielding the most recent item.


The functionality that is implemented by this crate is pretty simple. Depending on whether you want to delay a single future, or debounce an entire stream, you should either use delayed or debounced.

§Delaying a Single Value

If you want to delay a single future from resolving to a known value, you can use delayed.

use debounced::delayed;

let delayed = delayed(42, Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
assert_eq!(start.elapsed().as_secs(), 1);
assert_eq!(delayed, 42);

§Debouncing a Stream

If you want to debounce an entire stream, you can use debounced.

use debounced::debounced;

let (mut sender, receiver) = futures_channel::mpsc::channel(1024);
let mut debounced = debounced(receiver, Duration::from_secs(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(42));
assert_eq!(start.elapsed().as_secs(), 1);


  • Leading debounce. This library currently only implements trailing debounce. It does not implement leading debounce.


  • Stream that delays its items for a given duration and only yields the most recent item afterwards.
  • Future that resolves into a value after a given duration has passed.


  • Returns a new stream that delays its items for a given duration and only yields the most recent item afterwards.
  • Returns a new future that resolves into the given value after the given duration has passed.