Crate dbs_uhttp

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Minimal implementation of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols.

HTTP/1.1 has a mandatory header Host, but as this crate is only used for parsing API requests, this header (if present) is ignored.

This HTTP implementation is stateless thus it does not support chunking or compression.

Supported Headers

The dbs_uhttp crate has support for parsing the following Request headers:

  • Content-Length
  • Expect
  • Transfer-Encoding

The Response does not have a public interface for adding headers, but whenever a write to the Body is made, the headers ContentLength and MediaType are automatically updated.

Media Types

The supported media types are:

  • text/plain
  • application/json

Supported Methods

The supported HTTP Methods are:

  • GET
  • PUT

Supported Status Codes

The supported status codes are:

  • Continue - 100
  • OK - 200
  • No Content - 204
  • Bad Request - 400
  • Not Found - 404
  • Internal Server Error - 500
  • Not Implemented - 501

Example for parsing an HTTP Request from a slice

use dbs_uhttp::{Request, Version};

let request_bytes = b"GET http://localhost/home HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
let http_request = Request::try_from(request_bytes, None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(http_request.http_version(), Version::Http10);
assert_eq!(http_request.uri().get_abs_path(), "/home");

Example for creating an HTTP Response

use dbs_uhttp::{Body, MediaType, Response, StatusCode, Version};

let mut response = Response::new(Version::Http10, StatusCode::OK);
let body = String::from("This is a test");

assert!(response.status() == StatusCode::OK);
assert_eq!(response.body().unwrap(), Body::new(body));
assert_eq!(response.http_version(), Version::Http10);

let mut response_buf: [u8; 126] = [0; 126];
assert!(response.write_all(&mut response_buf.as_mut()).is_ok());

HttpConnection can be used for automatic data exchange and parsing when handling a client, but it only supports one stream.

For handling multiple clients use HttpServer, which multiplexes HttpConnections and offers an easy to use interface. The server can run in either blocking or non-blocking mode. Non-blocking is achieved by using epoll to make sure requests will never block when called.

Example for using the server

use dbs_uhttp::{HttpServer, Response, StatusCode};

let path_to_socket = "/tmp/example.sock";

// Start the server.
let mut server = HttpServer::new(path_to_socket).unwrap();

// Connect a client to the server so it doesn't block in our example.
let mut socket = std::os::unix::net::UnixStream::connect(path_to_socket).unwrap();

// Server loop processing requests.
loop {
    for request in server.requests().unwrap() {
        let response = request.process(|request| {
            // Your code here.
            Response::new(request.http_version(), StatusCode::NoContent)
    // Break this example loop.


The Body associated with an HTTP Request or Response.
Wrapper over supported AcceptEncoding.
Wrapper over the list of headers associated with a Request that we need in order to parse the request correctly and be able to respond to it.
A wrapper over a HTTP Connection.
An HTTP routes structure.
HTTP Server implementation using Unix Domain Sockets and EPOLL to handle multiple connections on the same thread.
Wrapper over an HTTP Request.
Wrapper over an HTTP Response.
Wrapper over the list of headers associated with a HTTP Response. When creating a ResponseHeaders object, the content type is initialized to text/plain. The content type can be updated with a call to set_content_type.
Wrapper over Request which adds an identification token.
Wrapper over Response which adds an identification token.
Errors associated with a sys errno


Errors associated with a HTTP Connection.
Errors associated with a header that is invalid.
Wrapper over supported Media Types.
Supported HTTP Methods.
Errors associated with parsing the HTTP Request from a u8 slice.
Errors pertaining to HttpRoute.
Errors pertaining to HttpServer.
Wrapper over a response status code.
Supported HTTP Versions.


An HTTP endpoint handler interface
Trait for file descriptors can send and receive socket control messages via sendmsg and recvmsg.