Expand description
datatroll is a robust and user-friendly Rust library for efficiently loading, manipulating, and exporting data stored in CSV files. Say goodbye to tedious hand-coding data parsing and welcome a streamlined workflow for wrangling your data with ease.
- Versatile Data Loading:
- Read data from CSV files with configurable separators and headers.
- Specify data types for each column, ensuring type safety and efficient processing.
- Handle missing values with graceful error handling.
- Intuitive Data Manipulation:
- Insert new rows with custom values into your data.
- Drop unwanted rows or columns to focus on relevant data.
- Leverage powerful aggregations to calculate:
- Mean, max, min, and median of numeric columns.
- Mode (most frequent value) of categorical columns.
- Variance of numeric columns.
- Apply custom transformations to specific columns using lambda functions.
- Supports Pagination
- Seamless Data Export:
- Write manipulated data back to a new CSV file, retaining original format or specifying your own.
- Customize output with options like separator selection and header inclusion.
use datatroll::{Cell, Sheet};
fn main() {
// Read data from a CSV file
let data = "id ,title , director, release date, review
1, old, quintin, 2011, 3.5
2, her, quintin, 2013, 4.2
3, easy, scorces, 2005, 1.0
4, hey, nolan, 1997, 4.7
5, who, martin, 2017, 5.0";
let mut sheet = Sheet::load_data_from_str(data);
// drop all the rows in which the review is less than 4.0
sheet.drop_rows("review", |c| {
if let Cell::Float(r) = c {
return *r < 4.0;
// calculate the variance of the review column
let variance = sheet.variance("review").unwrap();
println!("variance for review is: {variance}");
// Write the transformed data to a new CSV file
if let Err(err) = sheet.export("output.csv") {
eprintln!("Error exporting data: {}", err);
} else {
println!("Data exported successfully to output.csv");
- Sheet
- Represents a 2D vector of cells, forming a sheet of data.
- Cell
- Represents different types of data that can be stored in a cell.