Module datafusion::prelude

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A “prelude” for users of the datafusion crate.

Like the standard library’s prelude, this module simplifies importing of common items. Unlike the standard prelude, the contents of this module must be imported manually:

use datafusion::prelude::*;


pub use crate::dataframe::DataFrame;
pub use crate::execution::context::SessionConfig;
pub use crate::execution::context::SessionContext;
pub use crate::execution::options::AvroReadOptions;
pub use crate::execution::options::CsvReadOptions;
pub use crate::execution::options::NdJsonReadOptions;
pub use crate::execution::options::ParquetReadOptions;


A named reference to a qualified field in a schema.


Expr is a central struct of DataFusion’s query API, and represent logical expressions such as A + 1, or CAST(c1 AS int).
Join type
Logical partitioning schemes supported by the repartition operator.


absolute value
inverse cosine
Return a new expression with a logical AND
Returns the approximate number of distinct input values. This function provides an approximation of count(DISTINCT x). Zero is returned if all input values are null. This function should produce a standard error of 0.81%, which is the standard deviation of the (approximately normal) error distribution over all possible sets. It does not guarantee an upper bound on the error for any specific input set.
Calculate an approximation of the median for expr.
Calculate an approximation of the specified percentile for expr.
Calculate an approximation of the specified percentile for expr and weight_expr.
returns an array of fixed size with each argument on it.
data type
ASCII code value of the character
inverse sine
inverse tangent
inverse tangent of a division given in the argument
Create an expression to represent the avg() aggregate function
Return a new expression left <op> right
the number of bits in the string
removes all characters, spaces by default, from both sides of a string
Calls a named built in function
Create a CASE WHEN statement with literal WHEN expressions for comparison to the base expression.
Create a cast expression
nearest integer greater than or equal to argument
the number of characters in the string
converts the Unicode code point to a UTF8 character
returns coalesce(args...), which evaluates to the value of the first Expr which is not NULL
Create a column expression based on a qualified or unqualified column name
Concatenates the text representations of all the arguments. NULL arguments are ignored.
concatenates several strings
Concatenates all but the first argument, with separators. The first argument is used as the separator. NULL arguments in values are ignored.
concatenates several strings, placing a seperator between each one
Create an expression to represent the count() aggregate function
Create an expression to represent the count(distinct) aggregate function
Creates a new UDAF with a specific signature, state type and return type. The signature and state type must match the Accumulator's implementation.
Creates a new UDF with a specific signature and specific return type. This is a helper function to create a new UDF. The function create_udf returns a subset of all possible ScalarFunction:
Create a grouping set for all combination of exprs
returns current UTC date as a [DataType::Date32] value
returns current UTC time as a [DataType::Time64] value
coerces an arbitrary timestamp to the start of the nearest specified interval
extracts a subfield from the date
truncates the date to a specified level of precision
compute the binary hash of input, using the algorithm
Create an EXISTS subquery expression
nearest integer less than or equal to argument
returns the unix time in format
Create a grouping set
Create an in_list expression
Create an IN subquery expression
converts the first letter of each word in string in uppercase and the remaining characters in lowercase
Create is false expression
Create is not false expression
Create is not true expression
Create is not unknown expression
Create is null expression
Create is true expression
Create is unknown expression
returns the first n characters in the string
Create a literal expression
Create a literal timestamp expression
natural logarithm
base 2 logarithm
base 10 logarithm
convert the string to lower case
fill up a string to the length by prepending the characters
removes all characters, spaces by default, from the beginning of a string
Create an expression to represent the max() aggregate function
returns the MD5 hash of a string
Create an expression to represent the min() aggregate function
Create a NOT EXISTS subquery expression
Create a NOT IN subquery expression
returns current timestamp in nanoseconds, using the same value for all instances of now() in same statement
returns NULL if value1 equals value2; otherwise it returns value1. This can be used to perform the inverse operation of the COALESCE expression.
returns the number of bytes of a string
Return a new expression with a logical OR
base raised to the power of exponent
Returns a random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0
matches a regular expression against a string and returns matched substrings.
replace strings that match a regular expression
repeats the string to n times
replaces all occurrences of from with to in the string
reverses the string
returns the last n characters in the string
Create a grouping set for rollup
round to nearest integer
fill up a string to the length by appending the characters
removes all characters, spaces by default, from the end of a string
Create a scalar subquery expression
SHA-224 hash
SHA-256 hash
SHA-384 hash
SHA-512 hash
sign of the argument (-1, 0, +1)
splits a string based on a delimiter and picks out the desired field based on the index.
square root of a number
whether the string starts with the prefix
finds the position from where the substring matchs the string
substring from the position to the end
substring from the position with length characters
Create an expression to represent the sum() aggregate function
returns the hexdecimal representation of an integer
converts a string to a Timestamp(Microseconds, None)
converts a string to a Timestamp(Milliseconds, None)
converts a string to a Timestamp(Seconds, None)
replaces the characters in from with the counterpart in to
removes all characters, space by default from the string
truncate toward zero
Create a try cast expression
converts the string to upper case
Returns uuid v4 as a string value
Create a CASE WHEN statement with boolean WHEN expressions and no base expression.