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This module contains code to translate arrays back and forth to a row based format. The row based format is backed by raw bytes ([[u8]]) and used to optimize certain operations.

In general, DataFusion is a so called “vectorized” execution model, specifically it uses the optimized calculation kernels in arrow to amortize dispatch overhead.

However, as mentioned in this paper, there are some “row oriented” operations in a database that are not typically amenable to vectorization. The “classics” are: hash table updates in joins and hash aggregates, as well as comparing tuples in sort / merging.


pub use layout::row_supported;
pub use layout::RowType;


RowAccessor provides a Read/Write/Modify access for row with all fixed-sized fields:

Various row layouts for different use case

read_as_batch converts raw bytes to RecordBatch

RowWriter writes RecordBatches to Vec to stitch attributes together



Columnar Batch buffer that assists creating RecordBatches