
pub use aggregate::AggregateExpr;
pub use equivalence::EquivalenceProperties;
pub use equivalence::EquivalentClass;
pub use planner::create_physical_expr;
pub use utils::expr_list_eq_any_order;
pub use utils::split_conjunction;


Array expressions
Crypto expressions
DateTime expressions
Defines physical expressions that can evaluated at runtime during query execution
A trait to define from_slice functions for arrow types
Declaration of built-in (scalar) functions. This module contains built-in functions’ enumeration and metadata.
Functionality used both on logical and physical plans
Math expressions
Regex expressions
String expressions
Struct expressions
Type coercion rules for functions with multiple valid signatures
UDF support
Unicode expressions
Variable provider


The binary_array_op macro includes types that extend beyond the primitive, such as Utf8 strings.
The binary_array_op_dyn_scalar macro includes types that extend beyond the primitive, such as Utf8 strings.


The shared context used during the analysis of an expression. Includes the boundaries for all known columns.
Represents the boundaries of the resulting value from a physical expression, if it were to be an expression, if it were to be evaluated.
Represents Sort operation for a column in a RecordBatch
Physical expression of a scalar function


Expression that can be evaluated against a RecordBatch A Physical expression knows its type, nullability and how to evaluate itself.