Crate datadog_apm

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Unofficial Datadog APM for Rust.

Based on datadog documentation.


  • built for high throughput without block the caller (using tokio channel);
  • high configurable with sensible defaults;
  • efficient network and resource usage: traces buffering + serializing to messagepack;
  • discard traces when the buffer queue is full;
  • low-level, so it does not automatically instrument your code;


Add datadog_apm and tokio to your dependencies:

tokio = { version = "0.2", features = ["full"] }
datadog-apm = "0.2"
  • Create the client: (remember to reuse the same client instead of create a new one everytime, so the buffer can work)
use datadog_apm::{Client, Config};

let client = Client::new(Config {
    env: Some("production".to_string()),
    service: "my-crate".to_string(),
  • create a trace with spans: (for this example there is a span for a http request and a child-span for the sql transaction)
use datadog_apm::{Trace, Span, HttpInfo, ErrorInfo, SqlInfo};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};

let trace = Trace {
    id: 123,
    priority: 1,
    spans: vec![Span {
         id: 1,
         parent_id: None,
         name: "request".to_string(),
         resource: "GET /path".to_string(),
         r#type: "web".to_string(),
         start: SystemTime::now(),
         duration: Duration::from_millis(50),
         http: Some(HttpInfo {
             url: String::from("/path/2?param=true"),
             method: String::from("GET"),
             status_code: String::from("500"),
         error: Some(ErrorInfo {
            r#type: "unknown".to_string(),
            msg: "Internal error".to_string(),
            stack: "stack here".to_string(),
         sql: None,
         tags: HashMap::new(),
    }, Span {
         id: 2,
         parent_id: Some(1),
         name: "database".to_string(),
         resource: "select".to_string(),
         r#type: "db".to_string(),
         start: SystemTime::now(),
         duration: Duration::from_millis(20),
         http: None,
         error: None,
         sql: Some(SqlInfo {
            query: "select 1".to_string(),
            rows: "1".to_string(),
            db: "test".to_string(),
         tags: HashMap::new(),
  • send the trace:

And that’s it! The trace will be buffered and sent without block the current caller.


Check Config for all available configurations.

§Features that are not included yet: (Contributions welcome!)
