pub unsafe extern "C" fn Dart_RunLoopAsync(
    errors_are_fatal: bool,
    on_error_port: Dart_Port,
    on_exit_port: Dart_Port,
    error: *mut *mut c_char
) -> bool
Expand description

Lets the VM run message processing for the isolate.

This function expects there to a current isolate and the current isolate must not have an active api scope. The VM will take care of making the isolate runnable (if not already), handles its message loop and will take care of shutting the isolate down once it’s done.

\param errors_are_fatal Whether uncaught errors should be fatal. \param on_error_port A port to notify on uncaught errors (or ILLEGAL_PORT). \param on_exit_port A port to notify on exit (or ILLEGAL_PORT). \param error A non-NULL pointer which will hold an error message if the call fails. The error has to be free()ed by the caller.

\return If successful the VM takes ownership of the isolate and takes care of its message loop. If not successful the caller retains ownership of the isolate.