initSidebarItems({"mod":[["petgraph",""]],"struct":[["Dag","A Directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structure."],["EdgeIndex","Edge identifier."],["NodeIndex","Node identifier."],["WalkChildren","A \"walker\" object that can be used to step through the children of some parent node."],["WalkParents","A \"walker\" object that can be used to step through the children of some parent node."],["WouldCycle","An error returned by the `Dag::add_edge` method in the case that adding an edge would have caused the graph to cycle."]],"type":[["Children","An iterator yielding indices to the children of some node."],["Parents","An iterator yielding indices to the parents of some node."],["PetGraph","The Petgraph to be used internally within the Dag for storing/managing nodes and edges."]]});