[][src]Crate d3

A Framework for Server Development This crate provides a set of tools, for implementing a server. It is especially well suited for those cases where the server employs a pipeline architecture. There are two core concepts, the machine, and the instruction set. Combined with a channel sender and receiver, you have all of the parts necessary for building a server.

The Machine

The Machine starts with any kind of struct. It becomes a machine by implementing the Machine trait for an instruction set and joining the collective. There's only one method that requires implementing. Joining the collective is a single call into the core, which returns a wrapped machine and a sender for the instruction set. The machine is the receiver for any instruction sent to that sender. In most cases the wrapped instance can be ignored.

The Instruction Set

The Instruction Set starts with any kind of enum. It becomes an instruction set when MachineImpl is derived.


This example shows how easy it is to create an instruction set, create a machine and send an instruction to that machine.

// A trivial instruction set
#[derive(Debug, MachineImpl)]
enum StateTable { Init, Start, Stop }

pub struct Alice {}
// implement the Machine trait for Alice
impl Machine<StateTable> for Alice {
    fn receive(&self, cmd: StateTable) {

// create the Machine from Alice, getting back a machine and Sender<StateTable>.
let (alice, sender) = executor::connect(Alice{});

// send a command to Alice
// Alice's receive method will be called, likely on a different thread than this thread.
sender.send(StateTable::Init).expect("send failed");

The main d3 crate just re-exports tools from smaller subrates:

Derive Macro

  • [d3-derive], a derive macro for transforming an enum into an instruction set.


  • [d3-core], a sceduler and executor for machines.


  • [d3-components], provides a component/coordinator heirachy of machines.

Instruction Sets and Test Drivers




  • test-server, an example of a server running the aforementioned services

