Expand description

Cyclist is a mode of operation on top of a full-state keyed duplex construction which provides fine-grained symmetric-key cryptographic services via stateful objects.

Message Digests

use cyclist::Cyclist;
use cyclist::xoodyak::XoodyakHash;

let mut hash = XoodyakHash::default();
hash.absorb(b"This is an input message!");
let digest = hash.squeeze(16);

assert_eq!(digest, vec![24, 79, 57, 49, 133, 57, 228, 222, 11, 95, 145, 57, 76, 16, 16, 122]);

Message Authentication Codes

use cyclist::Cyclist;
use cyclist::xoodyak::XoodyakKeyed;

let mut mac = XoodyakKeyed::new(b"This is a secret key!", None, None);
mac.absorb(b"This is an input message!");
let tag = mac.squeeze(16);

assert_eq!(tag, vec![51, 9, 222, 84, 128, 163, 130, 40, 35, 128, 18, 50, 94, 35, 18, 220]);

Authenticated Encryption And Data

use cyclist::Cyclist;
use cyclist::xoodyak::XoodyakKeyed;

let mut aead = XoodyakKeyed::new(b"This is a secret key!", Some(b"This is a nonce!"), None);
aead.absorb(b"This is authenticated data!");
let ciphertext = aead.seal(b"This is the plaintext!");

assert_eq!(ciphertext, vec![97, 247, 123, 78, 11, 4, 150, 39, 135, 111, 17, 144, 2, 213, 214, 67, 129, 74, 235, 106, 181, 3, 167, 200, 108, 162, 56, 51, 224, 223, 216, 143, 88, 206, 100, 125, 51, 44]);


A collection of Cyclist/Keccak-p (aka Keccyak) schemes.
Xoodyak, the official Cyclist selection.


A Cyclist object in hash mode. Parameterized with the permutation algorithm, the permutation width, and the hash rate.
A Cyclist object in keyed mode. Parameterized with the permutation algorithm, the permutation width, the absorb rate, the squeeze rate, the ratchet rate, and the length of authentication tags.


Cyclist operations which are common to both hash and keyed modes.
A permutation bijectively maps all blocks of the given width to other blocks of the given width.