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CosmWasm ICA Controller Contract


This is a CosmWasm smart contract that communicates with the golang ica/host module on the host chain to create and manage one interchain account. This contract can also execute callbacks based on the result of the interchain account transaction. Because this is a CosmWasm implementation of the entire ICA controller, the chain that this contract is deployed on need not have the ICA module enabled. This contract can be deployed on any chain that supports IBC CosmWasm smart contracts.

This contract was originally written to test the json encoding/decoding feature being added to interchain accounts txs. Previously, the only way to encode ica txs was to use Protobuf (proto3) encoding. Proto3Json encoding/decoding feature is supported in ibc-go v7.3+. This contract now supports both proto3json and protobuf encoding/decoding. In current mainnets (ibc-go v7.2 and below), only protobuf encoding/decoding is supported.


The following is a brief overview of the contract’s functionality. You can also see the various ways this contract can be used in the end to end tests in the e2e directory.

Create an interchain account

This contract provides two ways to create an interchain account:

  1. Using InstantiateMsg and/or ExecuteMsg::CreateChannel
  2. Using the relayer
Using InstantiateMsg and/or ExecuteMsg::CreateChannel

This contract only accepts the first MsgChannelOpenInit message that is submitted to it or one that is submitted by the contract itself.

InstantiateMsg is the recommended way to initiate the channel handshake since it would not allow any relayer to front run the first MsgChannelOpenInit that the contract allows. If the channel_open_init_options field is not specified in InstantiateMsg, then the IBC channel is not initialized at contract instantiation. Then a relayer can start the channel handshake on the contract’s chain or you must submit an ExecuteMsg::CreateChannel.

/// The message to instantiate the ICA controller contract.
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    /// The address of the admin of the ICA application.
    /// If not specified, the sender is the admin.
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub admin: Option<String>,
    /// The options to initialize the IBC channel upon contract instantiation.
    /// If not specified, the IBC channel is not initialized, and the relayer must.
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub channel_open_init_options: Option<options::ChannelOpenInitOptions>,
Using the Relayer

Assuming that the contract was not initialized with channel_open_init_options, then the relayer can start the channel handshake on the contract’s chain.

To create an interchain account, the relayer must start the channel handshake on the contract’s chain. See end to end tests for an example of how to do this. Unfortunately, you cannot initialize the channel handshake with an empty string as the version, this is due to a limitation of the IBCModule interface provided by ibc-go, see issue #3942. (The contract can now be initialized with an empty version string if the chain supports stargate queries, but this is not the case for the end to end tests and is not recommended.) The version string we are using for the end to end tests is: {"version":"ics27-1","controller_connection_id":"connection-0","host_connection_id":"connection-0","address":"","encoding":"proto3json","tx_type":"sdk_multi_msg"} (encoding is replaced with "proto3" to test protobuf encoding/decoding). You can see all this in the end to end tests.

Execute an interchain account transaction

In this contract, the execute message is used to commit a packet to be sent to the host chain. This contract has two ways of executing an interchain transaction:

  1. SendCustomIcaMessages: This message requires the sender to give base64 encoded messages that will be sent to the host chain. The host chain will decode the messages and execute them. The result of the execution is sent back to this contract, and a callback is executed based on the result.

If the channel is using proto3json encoding, then the format that json messages have to take are defined by the cosmos-sdk’s json codec. The following is an example of a json message that is submitting a text legacy governance: (In this example, the proposer is the address of the interchain account on the host chain)

  "messages": [
      "@type": "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal",
      "content": {
        "@type": "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal",
        "title": "IBC Gov Proposal",
        "description": "tokens for all!"
      "initial_deposit": [{ "denom": "stake", "amount": "5000" }],
      "proposer": "cosmos1k4epd6js8aa7fk4e5l7u6dwttxfarwu6yald9hlyckngv59syuyqnlqvk8"

If the channel is using proto3 (protobuf) encoding, then the format that protobuf messages have to take are defined by the cosmos-sdk’s protobuf codec. Protobuf messages do not have nice human readable formats like json messages do. In the rust the cosmos-sdk-proto library is used to generate the protobuf messages as follows:

use cosmos_sdk_proto::{
    cosmos::{bank::v1beta1::MsgSend, base::v1beta1::Coin},

// ...

let predefined_proto_message = MsgSend {
    from_address: ica_info.ica_address,
    amount: vec![Coin {
        denom: "stake".to_string(),
        amount: "100".to_string(),


where from_proto_anys is defined as:

pub use cosmos_sdk_proto::ibc::applications::interchain_accounts::v1::CosmosTx;

// ...

/// Creates a new IcaPacketData from a list of [`cosmos_sdk_proto::Any`] messages
pub fn from_proto_anys(messages: Vec<cosmos_sdk_proto::Any>, memo: Option<String>) -> Self {
    let cosmos_tx = CosmosTx { messages };
    let data = cosmos_tx.encode_to_vec();
    Self::new(data, memo)

And in golang (see e2e tests) we use the SerializeCosmosTxWithEncoding from ibc-go to encode the protobuf messages where encoding is either proto3 or proto3json:

// NewSendCustomIcaMessagesMsg creates a new SendCustomIcaMessagesMsg.
func NewSendCustomIcaMessagesMsg(cdc codec.BinaryCodec, msgs []proto.Message, encoding string, memo *string, timeout *uint64) string {
	type SendCustomIcaMessagesMsg struct {
		Messages       string  `json:"messages"`
		PacketMemo     *string `json:"packet_memo,omitempty"`
		TimeoutSeconds *uint64 `json:"timeout_seconds,omitempty"`

	type SendCustomIcaMessagesMsgWrapper struct {
		SendCustomIcaMessagesMsg SendCustomIcaMessagesMsg `json:"send_custom_ica_messages"`

	bz, err := icatypes.SerializeCosmosTxWithEncoding(cdc, msgs, encoding)
	if err != nil {

	messages := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bz)

	msg := SendCustomIcaMessagesMsgWrapper{
		SendCustomIcaMessagesMsg: SendCustomIcaMessagesMsg{
			Messages:       messages,
			PacketMemo:     memo,
			TimeoutSeconds: timeout,

	jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(msg)
	if err != nil {

	return string(jsonBytes)
  1. SendPredefinedAction: This message sends a 100 stake from the ica account to a user defined address on the host chain. This action is used to demonstrate how you can have a contract that executes a predefined action on the host chain. This is more useful for DAOs or other contracts that need to execute specific actions on the host chain. This message type checks which encoding the channel is using, and sends the appropriate message to the host chain. The host chain then executes the message, and sends the result back to this contract. A callback is then executed based on the result.

Execute a callback

This contract supports callbacks. See src/ibc/relay.rs to learn how to decode whether a transaction was successful or not. Currently, a counter is incremented to record how many transactions were successful and how many failed. This is just a placeholder for more complex logic that can be executed in the callback.

Channel Closing and Reopening

If the ICA channel is closed, for example, due to a timed out packet. (This is because the semantics of ordered channels in IBC is that any timeout will cause the channel to be closed.) The contract is then able to create a new channel with the same interchain account address, and continue to use the same interchain account. To do this, you submit a ExecuteMsg::CreateChannel. This can also be seen in the end to end tests.


There are two kinds of tests in this repository: unit tests and end to end tests. The unit tests are located inside the rust files in the src directory. The end to end tests are located in the e2e directory.

Unit tests

In general, the unit tests are for testing the verification functions for the handshake, and for testing that the serializers and deserializers are working correctly. To run the unit tests, run cargo test.

End to end tests

The end to end tests are for testing the contract’s functionality in an environment mimicking production. To see whether or not it can perform the channel handshake, send packets, and execute callbacks. We achieve this by running two local chains, one for the contract, and one for the host chain. The relayer is then used to perform the channel handshake, and send packets. The contract then executes callbacks based on the result of the packet. To learn more about how to run the end to end tests, see the Readme in the e2e directory.


This contract is not meant to be used in production. It is meant to be used as a reference implementation for how to build a CosmWasm contract that can communicate with the golang ica/host module. The following are some of the limitations of this contract:

  • The contract cannot create multiple interchain accounts. It can only create one.
  • ICA channels must be ordered (enforced by golang ica/host module). Due to the semantics of ordered channels in IBC, any timeout will cause the channel to be closed.
  • The relayer must start the channel handshake on the contract’s chain. This is not possible to do in the contract itself. See e2e tests for an example of how to do this.
  • The contract cannot initialize with an empty string as the version. This is due to a limitation of the IBCModule interface provided by ibc-go, see issue #3942. (The contract can be initialized with an empty version string if the chain supports stargate queries, but this is not the case for the end to end tests.)


Much thanks to Art3mix for all the helpful discussions and nailing down of the encoding/decoding issues. Also thanks to 0xekez for their work on cw-ibc-example which was a great reference for CosmWasm IBC endpoints and interchaintest.


  • This module handles the execution logic of the contract.
  • This file contains helper functions for working with this contract from external contracts.
  • IBC Module
  • This module contains the types used by the contract’s execution and state logic.