initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Offset","Single-dimensional offset policy."],["Selector","Selects a single view (if any) in the tree."]],"struct":[["BoxView","Wrapper around another view, with a fixed size."],["Button","Simple text label with a callback when ENTER is pressed. A button shows its content in a single line and has a fixed size."],["Dialog","Popup-like view with a main content, and optional buttons under it."],["EditView","Input box where the user can enter and edit text."],["FullView","Simple wrapper view that asks for all the space it can get."],["IdView","Wrapper view that allows to select its content with a fixed string id."],["KeyEventView","A simple wrapper view that catches some ignored event from its child."],["LinearLayout","Arranges its children linearly according to its orientation."],["MenuPopup","Popup that shows a list of items."],["ScrollBase","Provide scrolling functionalities to a view."],["SelectView","View to select an item among a list."],["ShadowView","Wrapper view that adds a shadow."],["SizeCache","Cache around a one-dimensional layout result"],["SizedView","Wrapper around a view that remembers its size."],["StackView","Simple stack of views. Only the top-most view is active and can receive input."],["TextView","A simple view showing a fixed text"],["TrackedView","Wrapper around a view that remembers its position."],["ViewPath","Represents a path to a single view in the layout."]],"trait":[["View","Main trait defining a view behaviour."],["ViewWrapper","Generic wrapper around a view."]],"type":[["Position","Location of the view on screen"]]});