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Same Permutation Argument

The Same Permutation argument proves the relation:

\[ R_{sameperm} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l l|l} (A, M, \bm{a}) ;& ( \sigma(), \bm{r}_A, \bm{r}_M) & A = \sigma( \bm{a} ) \times \bm{g} + \bm{r}_A \times \bm{h} \\ & & M = \sigma(1, \ldots, \ell) \times \bm{g} + \bm{r}_M \times \bm{h} \end{array} \right\} \]

The following figure provides a high-level overview of the same-permutation construction.


A formal description of the sameperm argument is provided in the figure below:

Neff’s Trick

The argument takes advantage of an observation (first applied in the proof context by Neff) that two polynomials are equal if and only if their roots are the same up to permutation. In other words \[ \sigma(\bm{a}) = \bm{c} \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad (a_1 + Y) (a_2 + Y) \cdots (a_{\ell} + Y ) = (c_1 + Y)(c_2 + Y) \cdots (c_\ell + Y) \] as polynomials of $Y$. We can additionally bind $\bm{a}$ and $\bm{c}$ to a specific permutation $\sigma()$ through including an additional indeterminate $X$. Indeed whenever the polynomial equation \[ (a_1 + X + Y) (a_2 + 2X + Y) \cdots (a_{\ell} + \ell X + Y ) = (c_1 + m_1 X + Y)(c_2 + m_2 X + Y) \cdots (c_\ell + m_{\ell} X + Y) \] holds we have that there exists $\sigma()$ such that \[ \sigma(a_1 + X, a_2 + 2X, \ldots, a_\ell + \ell X) = (c_1 + m_1 X, c_2 + m_2 X, \ldots, c_\ell + m_\ell X) \ \] This implies that $\sigma( \bm{a}) = \bm{c}$ and $\sigma(1, \ldots, \ell) = \bm{m}$.

Informal Overview

The prover will take as input the $A, M, \bm{a}$ and aims to prove knowledge of $ \sigma() $ such that:

  • $A = \sigma(\bm{a}) \times \bm{g}$ is a commitment to $\sigma( \bm{a} )$
  • $M = \sigma(1,2, \ldots, \ell) \times \bm{g}$ is a commitment to $\sigma()$

The verifier wishes to check that $A$ and $M$ are commitments to $\bm{c}$ and $\bm{m}$ respectively such that

\[ (a_1 + X + Y) (a_2 + 2X + Y) \cdots (a_{\ell} + \ell X + Y ) = (c_1 + m_1 X + Y)(c_2 + m_2 X + Y) \cdots (c_\ell + m_{\ell} X + Y) \]

Initially all the public inputs $(A, M, \bm{a})$ are hashed to get challenges $\alpha, \beta$ and we must show that:

\[ (a_1 + \alpha + \beta) (a_2 + 2 \alpha + \beta) \cdots (a_{\ell} + \ell \alpha + \beta ) = (c_1 + m_1 \alpha + \beta)(c_2 + m_2 \alpha + \beta) \cdots (c_\ell + m_{\ell} \alpha + \beta) \] By the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma this implies that the polynomial expression holds except with negligible probability.

Next the prover and verifier both compute values $p = \prod_{i = 1}^{\ell} (a_i + i \alpha + \beta)$ and $B = A + \alpha M + \bm{\beta} \times \bm{g}$ where $\bm{\beta} = (\beta, \beta, \ldots, \beta)$.

By the homomorphic properties of the Pedersen commitment we see that $B$ is thus a commitment to \[ \bm{b} = \bm{c} + \alpha \bm{m} + \beta \bm{1} = ( c_1 + m_1 \alpha + \beta, c_2 + m_2 \alpha + \beta , \ldots, c_\ell + m_\ell \alpha + \beta )\] Here $\bm{1} = (1, \ldots, 1)$ is the length $\ell$ vector where every entry equals $1$. Then the prover uses a grand-product argument to describe knowledge of $\bm{b}$ such that $B$ is a commitment to $\bm{b}$ and $p$ is a grandproduct of $\bm{b}$. This implies that \[ \prod_{i = 1}^{\ell} (a_i + i \alpha + \beta) = \prod_{i = 1}^{\ell} ( c_i + m_i \alpha + \beta) \] and hence that $\bm{m} = \sigma(1, \ldots, \ell)$, $\bm{c} = \sigma(\bm{a})$ for some $\sigma()$.

Note that the full same-permutation protocol has some additional masking values that are included to ensure zero-knowledge. For simplicity we have ignored these terms in this overview.


A same permutation proof object