Trait cucumber::writer::Ext

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pub trait Ext: Sized + Sealed {
    // Required methods
    fn assert_normalized(self) -> AssertNormalized<Self>;
    fn normalized<W>(self) -> Normalize<W, Self>;
    fn summarized(self) -> Summarize<Self>;
    fn fail_on_skipped(self) -> FailOnSkipped<Self>;
    fn fail_on_skipped_with<F>(self, with: F) -> FailOnSkipped<Self, F>
       where F: Fn(&Feature, Option<&Rule>, &Scenario) -> bool;
    fn repeat_skipped<W>(self) -> Repeat<W, Self>;
    fn repeat_failed<W>(self) -> Repeat<W, Self>;
    fn repeat_if<W, F>(self, filter: F) -> Repeat<W, Self, F>
       where F: Fn(&Result<Event<Cucumber<W>>>) -> bool;
    fn tee<W, Wr: Writer<W>>(self, other: Wr) -> Tee<Self, Wr>;
    fn discard_arbitrary_writes(self) -> Arbitrary<Self>;
    fn discard_stats_writes(self) -> Stats<Self>;
Expand description

Extension of Writer allowing its normalization and summarization.

Required Methods§


fn assert_normalized(self) -> AssertNormalized<Self>

Asserts this Writer being Normalized.

Technically is no-op, only forcing the Writer to become Normalized despite it actually doesn’t represent the one.

If you need a real normalization, use normalized() instead.

⚠️ WARNING: Should be used only in case you are absolutely sure, that incoming events will be emitted in a Normalized order. For example, in case max_concurrent_scenarios() is set to 1.


fn normalized<W>(self) -> Normalize<W, Self>

Wraps this Writer into a Normalized version.

See Normalize for more information.


fn summarized(self) -> Summarize<Self>

Wraps this Writer to print a summary at the end of an output.

See Summarize for more information.


fn fail_on_skipped(self) -> FailOnSkipped<Self>

Wraps this Writer to fail on Skipped Steps if their Scenario isn’t marked with @allow.skipped tag.

See FailOnSkipped for more information.


fn fail_on_skipped_with<F>(self, with: F) -> FailOnSkipped<Self, F>
where F: Fn(&Feature, Option<&Rule>, &Scenario) -> bool,

Wraps this Writer to fail on Skipped Steps if the given with predicate returns true.

See FailOnSkipped for more information.


fn repeat_skipped<W>(self) -> Repeat<W, Self>

Wraps this Writer to re-output Skipped Steps at the end of an output.


fn repeat_failed<W>(self) -> Repeat<W, Self>

Wraps this Writer to re-output Failed Steps or Parser errors at the end of an output.


fn repeat_if<W, F>(self, filter: F) -> Repeat<W, Self, F>
where F: Fn(&Result<Event<Cucumber<W>>>) -> bool,

Wraps this Writer to re-output filtered events at the end of an output.


fn tee<W, Wr: Writer<W>>(self, other: Wr) -> Tee<Self, Wr>

Attaches the provided other Writer to the current one for passing events to both of them simultaneously.


fn discard_arbitrary_writes(self) -> Arbitrary<Self>

Wraps this Writer into a discard::Arbitrary one, providing a no-op ArbitraryWriter implementation.

Intended to be used for feeding a non-ArbitraryWriter Writer into a tee(), as the later accepts only ArbitraryWriters.


fn discard_stats_writes(self) -> Stats<Self>

Wraps this Writer into a discard::Stats one, providing a no-op StatsWriter implementation returning only 0.

Intended to be used for feeding a non-StatsWriter Writer into a tee(), as the later accepts only StatsWriters.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<T> Ext for T