ctv 0.3.3

A highly configurable tree file view visualizer CLI tool
ctv-0.3.3 is not a library.

🎄 ctv - configurable tree view 🎄

A highly configurable tree view visualizer CLI tool written in Rust!

What does ctv do?

  • Visualize your file hierarchy in a tree view
  • Customize the appearance of your tree
  • Display custom file information (permissions, time, user, etc)
  • Personalize tree color and text styling


# Cargo Installation
cargo install ctv

# Homebrew Installation
brew install angelina-tsuboi/ctv/ctv

Using ctv

ctv <flags> <directory_path>

Flag Options

-h, --short
    --help             Print help information
-l, --limit <LIMIT>
-p, --config           Show config variables and exit
-V, --version          Print version information


Config File

The config.toml file located at ~/.config/ctv.toml allows you to customize the appearance of your tree display! If the configuration does not exist, defaults will be used.

Via Environment

Additionally, you can specify configuration via environment variables. For example, here's two ways of specifying the sort order:

# config.toml
sorting = ["size", "name", "time"]
# command line
$ CTV_SORTING='["size", "name", "time"]' ctv