Module ct_utils::ct_if

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This module defines a types to encode an IF test within the type system.

The idea behind this concept is to match the condition, which is a type, with the structure the test is implemented for. This allows for a basic test similar to the following

let result = std::any::TypeId::of::<i32>() == std::any::TypeId::of::<i32>();
if result {
    // Condition matched
} else {
    // Condition failed to match


use ct_utils::prelude::*;

// Trait to negate the signed-ness of a specific integer.
trait DeSignature<Target> {
    type Result: ?Sized;

impl<Target> DeSignature<Target> for i32 {
    // Depending on Target, CTIf::Path will become signed or unsigned.
    // Result will receive the type contained by CTIf::Path.
    type Result = <IfCheck<i32> as CTIf<Target, u32, i32>>::Path;


  • If the receiving type parameter is constrained, the generic CTIf causes compilation errors due to missing constraints. You have to create your own specialized implementation of CTIf, which is made easy by utilizing the macro ctif_specialize.


Actual type used to perform an IF check through the type system.


Type representing a FALSE value.
Type representing a TRUE value.


Represents a boolean value encoded within the typesystem.
Generic version of an IF test encoded within the type system.