initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Error","An error produced by an operation on CSV data."],["NextField","NextField is the result of parsing a single CSV field."],["ParseError","A description of a CSV parse error."],["QuoteStyle","The quoting style to use when writing CSV data."],["RecordTerminator","A record terminator."]],"mod":[["index","This sub-module provides experimental CSV record indexing."]],"struct":[["ByteRecords","An iterator of `ByteString` records."],["Decoded","A record to be decoded."],["DecodedRecords","An iterator of decoded records."],["Encoded","A record to be encoded."],["LocatableError","An error tagged with a location at which it occurred."],["Reader","A CSV reader."],["StringRecords","An iterator of `String` records."],["Writer","A CSV writer."]],"trait":[["BorrowBytes","A trait that permits borrowing byte vectors."]],"type":[["ByteString","A convenience type for referring to a plain byte string."],["Result","A convenience type for representing the result of most CSV reader/writer operations."]]});