Module cstree::interning

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Types and Traits for efficient String storage and deduplication.

Because cstree is aimed at concrete syntax trees that faithfully represent all of the original program input, cstree aks for the text of each token when building a syntax tree. You’ll notice this when looking at GreenNodeBuilder::token, which takes the kind of token and a refernce to the text of the token in the source.

Of course, there are tokens whose text will always be the same, such as punctuation (like a semicolon), keywords (like fn), or operators (like <=). Use Syntax::static_text when implementing Syntax to make cstree aware of such tokens.

There is, however, another category of tokens whose text will appear repeatedly, but for which we cannot know the text upfront. Any variable, type, or method that is user-defined will likely be named more than once, but there is no way to know beforehand what names a user will choose.

In order to avoid storing the source text for these tokens many times over, cstree interns the text of its tokens (if that text is not static). What this means is that each unique string is only stored once. When a new token is added - say, a variable -, we check if we already know its contents (the variable name). If the text is new, we save it and give it a unique Id. If we have seen the text before, we look up its unique Id and don’t need to keep the new data around. As an additional benefit, interning also makes it much cheaper to copy source text around and also to compare it with other source text, since what is actually being copied or compared is just an integer.

I just want to build a syntax tree

If you don’t want to worry about this for now, you (mostly) can! All required functionality is implemented in cstree and you can just use GreenNodeBuilder::new to obtain a tree builder with everything set up (see the crate documentation for more on how to get started). This will create an interner, which the builder returns together with the syntax tree on finish as part of its node cache (call NodeCache::into_interner on the result to get the interner out).

Here begins the part where you do have to think about interning: cstree needs the interner you get when you want to look at the source text for some part of the syntax tree, so you’ll have to keep it around somehow until the point where you need it.

How best to do this depends on what you need the text for. If the code that accesses the text is close-by, it might be enough to pass the return value to the functions that need it (within cstree or in your code). Other options could be to store the interner together with the syntax tree. If you use SyntaxNode::new_root_with_resolver, you get a syntax tree that can handle text without any need to manage and pass an interner (the reason the method is called _with_resolver and not _with_interner is that it doesn’t actually needs a full Interner – once the tree is created, no more text will be added, so it just needs to be able to look up text. This part is called a Resolver). Or you could put the interner somewhere “global”, where you can easily access it from anywhere.

Using other interners

By default, cstree uses its own, simple interner implementation. You can obtain an interner by calling new_interner, or bring your own by implementing the Resolver and Interner traits defined in this module. Most methods in cstree require that you support interning TokenKeys. TokenKey implements InternKey, so your implementation can use that to convert to whatever types it uses for its internal representation. Note that there is no way to change the size of the internal representation.


Using features, you can enable support for some third-party interners. The primary one is lasso, a crate focused on efficient interning of text strings. This is enabled via the lasso_compat feature and adds the necessary trait implementation to make lasso’s interners work with cstree (as well as a re-export of the matching version of lasso here). If enabled, cstree’s built-in interning functionality is replaced with lasso’s more efficient one transparently, so you’ll now be returned a lasso interner from new_interner.

Multi-threaded interners

If you want to use your interner on more than one thread, the interner needs to support interning new text through shared access. With the multi_threaded_interning feature, you can get such an interner by calling new_threaded_interner. The feature also enables support for ThreadedRodeo, the multi-threaded interner from lasso.

You can pass a reference to that interner to anything that expects an Interner! While the interning methods on Interner require a &mut self to also work for single-threaded interners, both Resolver and Interner will be implemented for &interner if interner is multi-threaded:

let interner = new_threaded_interner();
let mut builder: GreenNodeBuilder<MySyntax, &MultiThreadedTokenInterner> =
parse(&mut builder, "42");
let (tree, cache) = builder.finish();
// Note that we get a cache and interner back, because we passed an "owned" reference to `from_interner`
let used_interner = cache.unwrap().into_interner().unwrap();
assert_eq!(used_interner as *const _, &interner as *const _);
let int = tree.children().next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(int.as_token().unwrap().text(&interner), Some("42"));

Here, we use from_interner, but pass it only a shared reference to “own”. Take care to denote the type signature of the GreenNodeBuilder appropriately.




  • Common interface for all intern keys via conversion to and from u32.
  • A full interner, which can intern new strings returning intern keys and also resolve intern keys to the interned value.
  • The read-only part of an interner. Allows to perform lookups of intern keys to resolve them to their interned text.
