Module cryptoxide::sha3

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An implementation of the SHA-3 cryptographic hash algorithms.

There are 6 standard algorithms specified in the SHA-3 standard:

  • SHA3-224
  • SHA3-256
  • SHA3-384
  • SHA3-512
  • Keccak224, Keccak256, Keccak384, Keccak512 (NIST submission without padding changes)

Based on an implementation by Sébastien Martini


An example of using SHA3-256 is:

use cryptoxide::{digest::Digest, sha3::Sha3_256};

// create a SHA3-256 context
let mut context = Sha3_256::new();

// write input message

// get hash digest
let mut out = [0u8; 32];
context.result(&mut out);


The hash algorithm context
The hash algorithm context
The hash algorithm context
The hash algorithm context
The hash algorithm context
The hash algorithm context
The hash algorithm context
The hash algorithm context