[][src]Crate cryptostream

The cryptostream crate provides a number of stream adapters that provide "transparent" encryption or decryption of the wrapped Read or Write source. Since rust doesn't have a generic "stream" type that implements both reads and writes and in order to enforce correct semantics (and boost security!), you need to pick the cryptostream variant that correctly matches your needs.

The most common reasons for using this library:

  • read::Decryptor: You have an encrypted Read source and you want to transparently decrypt its contents while reading from it (e.g. you have encrypted data at rest and want to decrypt it into memory).
  • write::Encryptor: You have a Write instance you want to write the encrypted ciphertext equivalent of some plaintext you have in memory (e.g. you have plaintext data in memory you want to store it encrypted).

Considerably less common use cases:

  • read::Encryptor: You have a Read source containing plaintext but you want to pull encrypted contents out of it (e.g. you want to encrypt data stored as plaintext).
  • write::Decryptor: You want to write cyphertext to a Write instance and have it pass through the decrypted plaintext to the underlying stream (e.g. you have cryptotext in memory and want to store it decrypted).

Additionally, the bufread module provides the bufread::Encryptor and bufread::Decryptor types for encrypting/decrypting plaintext/ciphertext on-the-fly from a BufRead source. (There is no need for a bufwrite variant.)



Cryptostream types which operate over BufRead streams, providing both encryption and decryption facilities.


Cryptostream types which operate over Read streams, providing both encryption and decryption facilities.


Cryptostream types which operate over Write streams, providing both encryption and decryption facilities.