Module cryptoapis::apis::zilliqa_api[][src]


struct for typed errors of method get_latest_mined_zilliqa_block

struct for typed errors of method get_zilliqa_address_details

struct for typed errors of method get_zilliqa_block_details_by_block_hash

struct for typed errors of method get_zilliqa_block_details_by_block_height

struct for typed errors of method get_zilliqa_transaction_details_by_transaction_id

struct for typed errors of method list_zilliqa_transactions_by_address

struct for typed errors of method list_zilliqa_transactions_by_block_hash

struct for typed errors of method list_zilliqa_transactions_by_block_height


Through this endpoint users can obtain information on the latest block that has been mined on the Zilliqa blockchain. Data could include the current and previous block hashes, transaction count, and more.

Through this endpoint customers can obtain information address details from the Zilliqa blockchain.

Through this endpoint customers can obtain block details from the Zilliqa blockchain by providing the block Hash parameter.

Through this endpoint customers can obtain block details from the Zilliqa blockchain by providing the block Height parameter.

Through this endpoint customers can obtain transaction details on the Zilliqa blockchain by providing a Transaction ID parameter.

Through this endpoint customers can list transactions on the Zilliqa blockchain by the address parameter.

Through this endpoint customers can list transactions on the Zilliqa blockchain by the block hash parameter.

Through this endpoint customers can list transactions on the Zilliqa blockchain by the block height parameter.