Module cryptoapis::apis::omni_layer_api[][src]


struct for typed errors of method get_omni_transaction_details_by_transaction_id__txid

struct for typed errors of method get_unconfirmed_omni_transaction_by_transaction_id__txid

struct for typed errors of method list_omni_tokens_by_address

struct for typed errors of method list_omni_transactions_by_address

struct for typed errors of method list_omni_transactions_by_block_hash

struct for typed errors of method list_omni_transactions_by_block_height

struct for typed errors of method list_unconfirmed_omni_transactions_by_address

struct for typed errors of method list_unconfirmed_omni_transactions_by_property_id


Through this endpoint customers can obtain details about an Omni transaction by the transaction’s unique identifier. The transaction can return information such as hash, height, time of creation in Unix timestamp, etc.

Through this endpoint customers can obtain information on unconfirmed Omni transactions by an attribute transactionId. The transaction can have information such as hash, height, time of creation in Unix timestamp, etc. Unconfirmed transactions are usually put in the Mempool and await verification so that they can be added to a block.

Through this endpoint the customer can receive basic information about a given Omni address based on confirmed/synced blocks only. In the case where there are any incoming or outgoing unconfirmed transactions for the specific address, they will not be counted or calculated here. {note}Please note that listing data from the same type will apply pagination on the results.{/note}

This endpoint will list Omni transactions by an attribute address. The transactions listed will detail additional information such as hash, height, time of creation in Unix timestamp, etc. {note}Please note that listing data from the same type will apply pagination on the results.{/note}

This endpoint will list Omni transactions by an attribute transactionHash. The transactions listed will detail additional information such as addresses, height, time of creation in Unix timestamp, etc. {note}Please note that listing data from the same type will apply pagination on the results.{/note}

This endpoint will list Omni transactions by an attribute blockHeight. The transactions listed will detail additional information such as hash, addresses, time of creation in Unix timestamp, etc. {note}Please note that listing data from the same type will apply pagination on the results.{/note}

This endpoint will list unconfirmed Omni transactions by an attribute address. The transactions listed will detail additional information such as hash, height, time of creation in Unix timestamp, etc. Unconfirmed transactions are usually put in the Mempool and await verification so that they can be added to a block. {note}Please note that listing data from the same type will apply pagination on the results.{/note}

This endpoint will list unconfirmed Omni transactions by an attribute propertyId. The transactions listed will detail additional information such as hash, height, time of creation in Unix timestamp, etc. Unconfirmed transactions are usually put in the Mempool and await verification so that they can be added to a block. {note}Please note that listing data from the same type will apply pagination on the results.{/note}