Module crypto_bigint::modular

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Modular arithmetic support.

This module provides support for various modular arithmetic operations, implemented in terms of Montgomery form.

Constant moduli

The ConstMontyForm and ConstMontyParams types implement support for modular arithmetic where the modulus is fixed at compile-time.

The impl_modulus! macro can be used to define a compile-time modulus, whereas the const_monty_form! macro can define a ConstMontyForm constant.

Dynamic moduli chosen at runtime

The MontyForm and MontyParams types implement support for modular arithmetic where the modulus can vary at runtime.


  • Modular multiplicative inverter based on the Bernstein-Yang method.
  • Modular multiplicative inverter based on the Bernstein-Yang method.
  • An integer in Montgomery form represented using heap-allocated limbs.
  • Parameters to efficiently go to/from the Montgomery form for an odd modulus whose size and value are both chosen at runtime.
  • An integer in Montgomery form modulo MOD, represented using LIMBS limbs. The modulus is constant, so it cannot be set at runtime.
  • Bernstein-Yang inverter which inverts ConstMontyForm types.
  • An integer in Montgomery form represented using LIMBS limbs. The odd modulus is set at runtime.
  • Bernstein-Yang inverter which inverts MontyForm types.
  • Parameters to efficiently go to/from the Montgomery form for an odd modulus provided at runtime.


  • The parameters to efficiently go to and from the Montgomery form for a given odd modulus. An easy way to generate these parameters is using the impl_modulus! macro. These parameters are constant, so they cannot be set at runtime.
  • A generalization for numbers kept in optimized representations (e.g. Montgomery) that can be converted back to the original form.
