Crate crustabri

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Crustabri is a RUST ABstract argumentation Reasoner Implementation.

This library provides datastructures and functions used to handle argumentation frameworks and to execute queries on them. Take a look at the example below to get an overview, and browse this documentation to see its capabilities.


let labels = vec!["a", "b", "c"];
let arguments = ArgumentSet::new_with_labels(&labels);
let mut framework = AAFramework::new_with_argument_set(arguments);
framework.new_attack(&labels[0], &labels[1]);
let mut solver = StableSemanticsSolver::new(&framework);
let opt_ext = solver.compute_one_extension();
if let Some(ext) = opt_ext {
    println!("found an extension: {:?}", ext);
} else {
    println!("the problem has no stable extension");


  • This module contains the main material used to define Abstract Argumentation frameworks and their related problems.
  • Specs and solvers dedicated to dynamic argumentation frameworks.
  • Objects used to encode semantics into SAT solvers.
  • Objects used to read and write Argumentation frameworks and answers to problems.
  • SAT solver interfaces for Abstract Argumentation solvers.
  • Solvers dedicated to problems related to Abstract Argumentation frameworks.
  • Miscellaneous components used in the library.