Crate crunchyroll_rs

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A easy-to-use, batteries-included library for the undocumented Crunchyroll api, completely written in Rust.

You can use a premium account as well as a non-premium account to use this library, but you will be limited to your account tier access privileges (=> you can’t access a premium-only series with a free account).

The library has some features to ensure a flawless experience in a ⚡🦀 blazingly fast environment.

Getting started

Before you can do anything, you have to instantiate a new Crunchyroll struct at first. This internally creates a new crunchyroll::CrunchyrollBuilder instance. All functions of this struct are chaining, which means you can build a working Crunchyroll instance in one expression.

use crunchyroll_rs::{Crunchyroll, Locale};

let crunchy = Crunchyroll::builder()
    // set the language in which results should be returned
    // login with user credentials (other login options are also available)
    .login_with_credentials("username", "password")

Request media

You can request media like series, episodes, movies, … with their corresponding function in the Crunchyroll struct. Use Crunchyroll::*_from_id to get them while * is the media type.

Every media type has the parent struct Media which takes a generic that represents the type of the media. Media<Season> would represent a season for example.

let series: Media<Series> = crunchy
    // get the series with the id 'GY8VEQ95Y'

let episode: Media<Episode> = crunchy
    // get the episode with the id 'GRDKJZ81Y'

If you want to get the children of a “container” media like a series or season, these types implements the appropriate functions to archive this.

let seasons = series
    // get the seasons of this episode


This crate allows you to get the actual video streams behind episodes and movies. With Media<Episode>::streams and Media<Movie>::streams you get access to the streams. The returning struct media::VideoStream has all required information to access the streams.

let streams = episode

Crunchyroll uses the HLS and MPEG-DASH video streaming formats to distribute their streams. The logic to work with this formats is already implemented into this crate.

The feature hls-stream and / or dash-stream must be activated to get streams. hls-stream is activated by default and should be used if you want to get the video + audio combined ([VideoStream::hls_streaming_data] / [PlaybackStream::hls_streaming_data]). dash-stream should be used if you want to get the audio and video streams separately ([VideoStream::dash_streaming_data] / [PlaybackStream::dash_streaming_data]).

let streaming_data = streams

// sort the streams to get the stream with the best resolution at first
streaming_data.sort_by(|a, b| a.resolution.width.cmp(&b.resolution.width).reverse());

let sink = &mut std::io::sink();

// get the segments / video chunks of the first stream (which is the best after it got sorted
// above)
let segments = streaming_data[0].segments().await?;
// iterate through every segment and write it to the provided writer (which is a sink in this
// case; it drops its input immediately). writer can be anything which implements `std::io::Write`
// like a file, a pipe, ...
for segment in segments {


Crunchyroll is awful in keep their api clean. Thus, some things are broken, will break for no reason or aren’t well implemented (if at all). The methods added with the experimental-stabilizations feature (CrunchyrollBuilder::stabilization_*)


To ensure at least all existing parts of the library are working as expected, a special feature only for testing is implemented. When running tests with the __test_strict feature, it ensures that no fields were added or removed from an api response, otherwise the associated test will fail.


pub use crunchyroll::Crunchyroll;
pub use crunchyroll::Locale;
pub use parse::parse_url;
pub use parse::UrlType;



Metadata for a Media episode.
Base struct which stores all information about series, seasons, episodes, movie listings and movies. The generic this struct takes specifies which media type it actually contains.
Metadata for a Media movie.
Metadata for a Media movie listing.
Metadata for a Media season. The deserializing requires a proxy struct because the season json response has two similar fields, audio_locale and audio_locales. Sometimes the first is populated, sometimes the second and sometimes both. They’re representing the season audio but why it needs two fields for this, who knows. audio_locale is also a Vec of locales but, if populated, contains always only one locale.
Metadata for a Media series.


Collection of all media types. Useful in situations where Media can contain more than one specific media.