Module crossterm::event

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A module to read events.


The event module provides the functionality to read keyboard, mouse and terminal resize events.

  • The read function returns an Event immediately (if available) or blocks until an Event is available.

  • The poll function allows you to check if there is or isn’t an Event available within the given period of time. In other words - if subsequent call to the read function will block or not.

It’s not allowed to call these functions from different threads or combine them with the EventStream. You’re allowed to either:

Make sure to enable raw mode in order for keyboard events to work properly

Mouse Events

Mouse events are not enabled by default. You have to enable them with the EnableMouseCapture command. See Command API for more information.


Blocking read:

use crossterm::event::{read, Event};

fn print_events() -> crossterm::Result<()> {
    loop {
        // `read()` blocks until an `Event` is available
        match read()? {
            Event::FocusGained => println!("FocusGained"),
            Event::FocusLost => println!("FocusLost"),
            Event::Key(event) => println!("{:?}", event),
            Event::Mouse(event) => println!("{:?}", event),
            #[cfg(feature = "bracketed-paste")]
            Event::Paste(data) => println!("{:?}", data),
            Event::Resize(width, height) => println!("New size {}x{}", width, height),

Non-blocking read:

use std::time::Duration;

use crossterm::event::{poll, read, Event};

fn print_events() -> crossterm::Result<()> {
    loop {
        // `poll()` waits for an `Event` for a given time period
        if poll(Duration::from_millis(500))? {
            // It's guaranteed that the `read()` won't block when the `poll()`
            // function returns `true`
            match read()? {
                Event::FocusGained => println!("FocusGained"),
                Event::FocusLost => println!("FocusLost"),
                Event::Key(event) => println!("{:?}", event),
                Event::Mouse(event) => println!("{:?}", event),
                #[cfg(feature = "bracketed-paste")]
                Event::Paste(data) => println!("Pasted {:?}", data),
                Event::Resize(width, height) => println!("New size {}x{}", width, height),
        } else {
            // Timeout expired and no `Event` is available

Check the examples folder for more of them (event-*).


A command that disables bracketed paste mode.
A command that disables focus event emission.
A command that disables mouse event capturing.
A command that enables focus event emission.
A command that enables mouse event capturing.
A stream of Result<Event>.
Represents a key event.
Represents extra state about the key event.
Represents key modifiers (shift, control, alt, etc.).
Represents special flags that tell compatible terminals to add extra information to keyboard events.
Represents a mouse event.
A command that disables extra kinds of keyboard events.
A command that enables the kitty keyboard protocol, which adds extra information to keyboard events and removes ambiguity for modifier keys.


Represents an event.
Represents a key.
Represents a keyboard event kind.
Represents a media key (as part of KeyCode::Media).
Represents a modifier key (as part of KeyCode::Modifier).
Represents a mouse button.
A mouse event kind.


Checks if there is an Event available.
Reads a single Event.