Module crossmist::blocking

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Uni- and bidirectional channels between processes.


Create and use a unidirectional channel:

let (mut sender, mut receiver): (Sender<i32>, Receiver<i32>) = channel::<i32>()?;
assert_eq!(receiver.recv()?, Some(57));
assert_eq!(receiver.recv()?, None);

Create and use a bidirectional channel:

let (mut side1, mut side2) = duplex::<i32, (i32, i32)>()?;
assert_eq!(side2.recv()?, Some(57));
side2.send(&(1, 2))?;
assert_eq!(side1.recv()?, Some((1, 2)));
assert_eq!(side2.recv()?, None);


To start a child process, you use the spawn method generated by #[func]:

fn my_process() {

let child = my_process.spawn()?;

You can then kill the child, get its PID, or join it (i.e. wait till it returns and obtain the returned value).


  • Synchronous implementation marker type.
  • The subprocess object created by calling spawn on a function annottated with #[func].
  • A side of a bidirectional channel.
  • The receiving side of a unidirectional channel.
  • The transmitting side of a unidirectional channel.


  • Create a unidirectional channel.
  • Create a bidirectional channel.