Crate cronchik

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Simple cron expression parser.


<minutes> <hours> <days of month> <months> <days of week>

  • minute is integer in range 0..=59;
  • hour is integer in range 0..=23;
  • day of month is integer in range 1..=31;
  • month is integer in range 1..=12 or textual representation like JAN or DEC;
  • day of week is integer in range 0..=6 or textual representation like SUN or SAT;


  • std - Enables use of std library types and traits.
  • serde - Enables serialization/deserialization.
  • time - Enables schedule calculation using time03 crate.


  • pub extern crate time;




  • Cron expression to run once a day at midnight.
  • Cron expression to run once a hour.
  • Cron expression to run once a month at midnight of first day.
  • Cron expression to run once a week at midnight of the Sunday.
  • Cron expression to run once a year at midnight of January 1st.
