var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["croaring"] = {"doc":"Rust wrapper for CRoaring (a C/C++ implementation at","items":[[3,"Bitmap","croaring","",null,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"eq","","",0,null],[11,"clone","","Create a copy of a Bitmap\n# Examples",0,null],[11,"drop","","",0,null],[11,"create","","Creates a new bitmap (initially empty)",0,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"create_with_capacity","","Creates a new bitmap (initially empty) with a provided\ncontainer-storage capacity (it is a performance hint).",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"u32"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"add","","Add the integer element to the bitmap",0,null],[11,"remove","","Remove the integer element from the bitmap",0,null],[11,"contains","","Contains returns true if the integer element is contained in the bitmap",0,null],[11,"cardinality","","Returns the number of integers contained in the bitmap",0,null],[11,"and","","And computes the intersection between two bitmaps and returns the result\nas a new bitmap",0,null],[11,"and_inplace","","Computes the intersection between two bitmaps and stores the result\nin the current bitmap",0,null],[11,"or","","Or computes the union between two bitmaps and returns the result\nas a new bitmap",0,null],[11,"or_inplace","","Computes the union between two bitmaps and stores the result in\nthe current bitmap.",0,null],[11,"fast_or","","Computes the union between many bitmaps quickly, as opposed to having\nto call or() repeatedly. Returns the result as a new bitmap.",0,null],[11,"fast_or_heap","","Compute the union of 'number' bitmaps using a heap. This can\nsometimes be faster than Bitmap::fast_or.",0,null],[11,"xor","","Computes the symmetric difference (xor) between two bitmaps\nand returns new bitmap.",0,null],[11,"xor_inplace","","Inplace version of roaring_bitmap_xor, stores result in current bitmap.",0,null],[11,"fast_xor","","Computes the symmetric difference (xor) between multiple bitmaps\nand returns new bitmap as a result.",0,null],[11,"andnot","","Computes the difference between two bitmaps and returns the result.",0,null],[11,"andnot_inplace","","Computes the difference between two bitmaps and stores the result\nin the current bitmap.",0,null],[11,"flip","","Negates the bits in the given range (i.e., [rangeStart..rangeEnd)),\nany integer present in this range and in the bitmap is removed.\nReturns result as a new bitmap.",0,null],[11,"flip_inplace","","Negates the bits in the given range (i.e., [rangeStart..rangeEnd)),\nany integer present in this range and in the bitmap is removed.\nStores the result in the current bitmap.",0,null],[11,"as_slice","","Creates a new slice containing all of the integers stored in the Bitmap\nin sorted order.",0,null],[11,"get_serialized_size_in_bytes","","Computes the serialized size in bytes of the Bitmap.",0,null],[11,"serialize","","Serializes a bitmap to a slice of bytes.",0,null],[11,"deserialize","","Given a serialized bitmap as slice of bytes returns a bitmap instance.\nSee example of #serialize function.",0,null],[11,"of","","Creates a new bitmap from a slice of u32 integers",0,null],[11,"run_optimize","","Compresses of the bitmap. Returns true if the bitmap was modified.",0,null],[11,"remove_run_compression","","Removes run-length encoding even when it is more space efficient. Returns\ntrue if a change was applied.",0,null],[11,"is_empty","","Returns true if the Bitmap is empty.\nFaster than doing: bitmap.cardinality() == 0)",0,null],[11,"from_iter","","Convenience method for creating bitmap from iterator.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"i"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"bitand","","Syntactic sugar for `.and`",0,null],[11,"bitand_assign","","Syntactic sugar for `.and_inplace`",0,null],[11,"bitor","","Syntatic sugar for `.or`",0,null],[11,"bitor_assign","","Syntatic sugar for `.or_inplace`",0,null],[11,"bitxor","","Syntatic sugar for `.xor`",0,null],[11,"bitxor_assign","","Syntatic sugar for `.xor_inplace`",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"Bitmap"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);