pub unsafe extern "C" fn mp_int_read_cstring(
    z: mp_int,
    radix: mp_size,
    str_: *const c_char,
    end: *mut *mut c_char
) -> mp_result
Expand description

Reads a string of ASCII digits in the specified radix from the zero terminated str provided into z. For values of radix > 10, the letters A..Z or a..z are accepted. Letters are interpreted without respect to case.

Leading whitespace is ignored, and a leading + or - is interpreted as a sign flag. Processing stops when a NUL or any other character out of range for a digit in the given radix is encountered.

If the whole string was consumed, MP_OK is returned; otherwise MP_TRUNC. is returned. If end is not NULL, *end is set to point to the first unconsumed byte of the input string (the NUL byte if the whole string was consumed). This emulates the behavior of the standard C strtol() function.

Requires MP_MIN_RADIX <= radix <= MP_MAX_RADIX.