Crate crc_any

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To compute CRC values by providing the length of bits, expression, reflection, an initial value and a final xor value. It has built-in CRC-8-ATM, CRC-8-CDMA, CRC-16-IBM, CRC16-CCITT, CRC-32-IEEE, CRC-32-C, CRC-64-ISO and CRC-64-ECMA functions.


You can use create_crc associated function to create a CRC instance by providing the length of bits, expression, reflection, an initial value and a final xor value. For example, if you want to compute a CRC-24 value.

extern crate crc_any;

use crc_any::CRC;

let mut crc24 = CRC::create_crc(0x0000000000864cfb, 24, 0x0000000000b704ce, 0x0000000000000000, false);


assert_eq!([71, 245, 138].to_vec(), crc24.get_crc_vec());

To simplify the usage, there are several common versions of CRC whose computing functions are already built-in.

  • crc8(crc8atm)
  • crc8cdma
  • crc16(crc16ibm)
  • crc16ccitt(crcccitt)
  • crc32(crc32ieee, also called crc32b in mhash)
  • crc32mhash
    • mhash is a common library which has two weird versions of CRC32 called crc32 and crc32b. crc32 and crc32mhash in this module are crc32b and crc32 in mhash respectively.
  • crc32c
  • crc64(crc64ecma)
  • crc64iso

For instance,

extern crate crc_any;

use crc_any::CRC;

let mut crc64ecma = CRC::crc64ecma();


assert_eq!([236, 83, 136, 71, 154, 124, 145, 63].to_vec(), crc64ecma.get_crc_vec());

After getting a CRC value, you can still use the digest method to continue computing the next CRC values.


This struct can help you compute a CRC value.