Module crayon::graphics [] [src]

A stateless, layered, multithread graphics system with OpenGL backends.

Overview and Goals

The management of graphics effects has become an important topic and key feature of rendering engines. With the increasing number of effects it is not sufficient anymore to only support them, but also to integrate them into the rendering engine in a clean and extensible way.

The goal of this work and simultaneously its main contribution is to design and implement an advanced effects framework. Using this framework it should be easy for further applications to combine several small effects like texture mapping, shading and shadowing in an automated and transparent way and apply them to any 3D model. Additionally, it should be possible to integrate new effects and use the provided framework for rapid prototyping.

Multi Platform

Ideally, crayon should be able to run on macOS, windows and popular mobile-platforms. There still are a huge number of performance and feature limited devices, so this graphics module will always be limited by lower-end 3D APIs like OpenGL ES2.0.

Stateless Pipeline

Ordinary OpenGL application deals with stateful APIs, which is error-prone. This means whenever you change any state in the API for subsequent draw calls, this state change also affects draw calls submitted at a later point in time. Ideally, submitting a draw call with whatever state we want should not affect any of the other draw calls, even in multi-thread environments.

Modern 3D-APIs like gfx-rs, glium bundles render state and data into a few, precompiled resource objects which are combined into final render pipeline. We should follow the same philosophy.


In most cases, dividing OpenGL rendering across multiple threads will not result in any performance improvement due the pipeline nature of OpenGL. What we are about to do is actually exploiting parallelism in resource preparation, and provides a set of multi-thread friendly APIs.

The most common solution is by using a double-buffer of commands. This consists of running the renderer backend in a speparate thread, where all draw calls and communication with the OpenGL API are performed. The frontend thread that runs the game logic communicates with the backend renderer via a command double-buffer.

Layered Rendering

Its important to sort video commands (generated by different threads) before submiting them to OpenGL, for the sack of both correctness and performance. For example, to draw transparent objects via blending, we need draw opaque object first, usually from front-to-back, and draw translucents from back-to-front.

The idea here is to assign a integer key to a command which is used for sorting. Depending on where those bits are stored in the integer, you can apply different sorting criteria for the same array of commands, as long as you know how the keys were built.

Resource Objects

Render state and data, which are combined into final render pipeline, are bundled into a few, precompiled resource objects in graphics module.

All resources types can be created instantly from data in memory, and meshes, textures can also be loaded asynchronously from the filesystem.

And the actual resource objects are usually private and opaque, you will get a Handle immediately for every resource objects you created instead of some kind of reference. Its the unique identifier for the resource, its type-safe and copyable.

When you are done with the created resource objects, its your responsiblity to delete the resource object with Handle to avoid leaks.

For these things loaded from filesystem, it could be safely shared by the Location. We keeps a use-counting internally. It will not be freed really, before all the users deletes its Handle.

Surface Object

Surface object plays as the Layer role we mentioned above, all the commands we submitted in application code is attached to a specific Surface. Commands inside Surface are sorted before submitting to underlying OpenGL.

Surface object also holds references to render target, and wraps rendering operations to it. Likes clearing, offscreen-rendering, MSAA resolve etc..

This example is not tested
// Creates a `SurfaceSetup` object.
let setup = SurfaceSetup::default();
// Sets he render target of this `Surface` layer. If `framebuffer` is none,
// default framebuffer will be used as render target.
// Sets the clear flags for this surface and its underlying framebuffer.
setup.set_clear(Color::white(), 1.0, None);
// Sets the viewport of view. This specifies the affine transformation of (x, y) from
// NDC(normalized device coordinates) to normalized window coordinates.
setup.set_viewport((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0));
// Creats a `SurfaceObject` by handing the setup parameters.
let surface = graphics.create_surface(setup).unwrap();

// Deletes surface object.

Shader Object

ShahderObject is introduced to encapsulate all stateful things we need to configurate graphics pipeline. This would also enable us to easily change the order of draw calls and get rid of redundant state changes.

This example is not tested
// Creates a `ShaderSetup` object.
let mut setup = ShaderSetup::from(vs, fs, layout, render_state);
setup.layout = /* Layout of shader attributes. */
setup.vs = /* The source of vertex shader. */
setup.fs = /* The source of pixel shader. */
setup.render_state = /* Configurable render state like blending, depth_test, etc. */
// Creats a `ShaderObject` by handing the setup parameters.
let shader = graphics.create_shader(setup).unwrap();

// Deletes shader object.

TODO: SPIRV based shader compiling and information generations.

Texture Object

TODO: Compressed texture. TODO: Cube texture. TODO: 3D texture.

Mesh Object

TODO: Mesh abstraction. TODO: Mesh loader. TODO: Mesh builder.


There are two kinds of commands that could be submitted into Surface object, the resource manipulation and draw call.

And every commands is assigned to a u64 integer key which is then used for sorting in ascending order. Typically, it could be encoded with certain data like distance, material, shader etc. Depending on where those bits are stored in the integer, u can apply different sorting criteria for the same array of draw calls, as long as u know how the keys were built.

This example is not tested
// Updates the vertex buffer object.
let slice = Vertex::as_bytes(vertices);
let cmd = Command::update_vertex_buffer(vbo, 0, slice);
graphics.submit(surface, 0, cmd).unwrap();

// Update the index buffer object.
let slice = IndexFormat::encode(indices);
let cmd = Command::update_index_buffer(ibo, 0, slice);
graphics.submit(surface, 1, cmd).unwrap();

// Update the texture object.
let cmd = Command::update_texture(texture, rect, data);
graphics.submit(surface, 0, cmd).unwrap();

// Set the scissor state.
let scissor = graphics::SurfaceScissor::Enable(scissor_pos, scissor_size);
let cmd = graphics::Command::set_scissor(scissor);, 0, cmd).unwrap();

Draw call command is a little bit complex than resource manipulations above, so we provide a helper builder DrawCall, it could be used as follows:

This example is not tested
// Creates a DrawCall buidler from shader.
let mut dc = graphics::DrawCall::new(self.shader, mesh);
// Sets the specified uniform variable.
dc.set_uniform_variable("matrix", matrix);
dc.set_uniform_variable("texture", texture);
// Builds a command and submits it.
let cmd =, len)?;, 0, cmd).unwrap();



An OpenGL context and the environment around it.



The information of graphics module during last frame.


The centralized management of video sub-system.


The multi-thread friendly parts of GraphicsSystem.



Maximum number of attachments in framebuffer.


Maximum number of textures in shader.


Maximum number of uniform variables in shader.


Maximum number of attributes in vertex layout.