Module crayon::ecs [] [src]

The entity component system with a data-orinted designs.

Entity Component System (ECS)

ECS is an architectural pattern that is widely used in game development. It follows the Composition over Inheritance principle that allows greater flexibility in defining entities where every object in a game's scene in an entity.


Entity is one of the most fundamental terms in this system. Its basicly some kind of unique identifier to the in-game object. Every Entitys comes with one or more Components, which define the internal data and how it interacts with the world.

Its also common that abstracts Entity as container of components, buts with UID approach, we could save the state externaly, users could transfer Entity easily without considering the data-ownerships. The real data storage can be shuffled around in memory as needed.

use crayon::ecs::prelude::*;
let mut world = World::new();

// Creates a new and empty `Entity`.
let e1 = world.create();

// Recycles the `Entity` handle, and frees corresponding components.;


Component is the raw data for one aspect of the object, and how it interacts with the world. Every kind of Components is stored in some kind of storage arena, and need to be specified during implementation.

Data Orinted Design

Data-oriented design is a program optimization approach motivated by cache coherency. The approach is to focus on the data layout, separating and sorting fields according to when they are needed, and to think about transformations of data.

Due to the composition nature of ECS, its highly compatible with DOD. But benefits doesn't comes for free, there are some memory/performance tradeoff generally. We addressed some data storage approaches in ecs::component, users could make their own decision based on different purposes.


Its common to iterate all the entities that consists of some specific Components. We addresses a Join trait to provide a way to access entities and its components at same time.

use crayon::ecs::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Position(i32, i32, i32);

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Label(String);

// Vec based storage, supposed to have maximum performance for the components
// mostly present in entities.
impl Component for Position {
    type Arena = VecArena<Position>;

// HashMap based storage which are best suited for rare components.
impl Component for Label {
    type Arena = HashMapArena<Label>;

let mut world = World::new();

// Components must be registered before using in `World`.

let e1 = world.create();
world.add(e1, Position(0, 1, 0));
world.add(e1, Label(String::from("Player")));

let e2 = world.create();
world.add(e2, Position(0, 0, 0));
world.add(e2, Label(String::from("Enemy")));

let e3 = world.create();
world.add(e3, Label(String::from("Enemy")));

    // Gets the reference to the component from `World` directly.
    assert_eq!(*world.get::<Position>(e1).unwrap(), Position(0, 1, 0));

    // Immutably borrow the underlying storage of `Position`.
    let (_, positions) = world.view_r1::<Position>();
    // Gets the reference to the component from `Arena`.
    assert_eq!(*positions.get(e1).unwrap(), Position(0, 1, 0));

    let (entities, labels, mut positions) = world.view_r1w1::<Label, Position>();

    /// We can get entities which have both of `Position` and `Label` by joining.
    for (label, mut position) in (&labels, &mut positions).join(&entities) {
        if label.0 == "Enemy" {
            position.0 += 1;

// The `Enemy`(e2) has been advance one step in x-axis.
assert_eq!(world.get::<Position>(e1).unwrap().0, 0);
assert_eq!(world.get::<Position>(e2).unwrap().0, 1);
assert_eq!(world.get::<Position>(e3), None);

System and Dispatcher




Bit-set with fixed or dynamic size for Ecs.


Abstract Component trait and some common storage stratedy.


Provides batch exection operations based on World in concurrent environments.


Utilities to iterate over the World safely.


The World struct contains entities and its component storages.