zvariant 2.3.0

D-Bus & GVariant encoding & decoding
use serde::ser::{Serialize, SerializeStruct, Serializer};

use crate::{Signature, Type, Value};

/// A wrapper to serialize `T: Type + Serialize` as a value.
/// When the type of a value is well-known, you may avoid the cost and complexity of wrapping to a
/// generic [`Value`] and instead use this wrapper.
/// ```
/// # use zvariant::{to_bytes, EncodingContext, SerializeValue};
/// #
/// # let ctxt = EncodingContext::<byteorder::LE>::new_dbus(0);
/// let _ = to_bytes(ctxt, &SerializeValue(&[0, 1, 2])).unwrap();
/// ```
/// [`Value`]: enum.Value.html
pub struct SerializeValue<'a, T: Type + Serialize>(pub &'a T);

impl<'a, T: Type + Serialize> Serialize for SerializeValue<'a, T> {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        // Serializer implementation needs to ensure padding isn't added for Value.
        let mut structure = serializer.serialize_struct("zvariant::Value", 2)?;

        let signature = T::signature();
        structure.serialize_field("zvariant::Value::Signature", &signature)?;
        structure.serialize_field("zvariant::Value::Value", self.0)?;


impl<'a, T: Type + Serialize> Type for SerializeValue<'a, T> {
    fn signature() -> Signature<'static> {