zuu-22.0.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build:
A program to commit rust source code in order to commit only good code.
- cargo
- cargo-outdated
- cargo-watch (recommended)
- cargo-audit
- cargo-auditable
- cargo-deny
- hunspell
- hunspell-en_US
- vcs
- git
- config
How to use it ?
- First create the
zuu init
- After you can :
- run
on your repository to check your source code - run
zuu commit
to check your source code and commit
# clippy allowed group
= []
# clippy warn group
= []
# clippy forbid group
= [
# before cargo hooks
= ["cargo fmt"]
# cargo hooks
= [
"check --all-targets --profile=test",
"deny check",
"test -j 4 --no-fail-fast -- --show-output",
"fmt --check",
# after cargo hooks
= ["echo 'Great jobs'"]
clippy it's not required in cargo hooks in run automatically with clippy group
Projects linked
Commit message format
type(scope): summary
The following changes were made :
* why
%if resolve
The commit resolve their issues :
Fixes issue_number
%if close
The commit close their issues :
Closes #12
Authored by :
* %git.config.user.name% <%git.config.user.email%> the %date%
Examples with close issue
Nebula(commit): create a command for commit
The following changes were made :
* no blocking script
The commit resolve their issues :
Fixes #12
The commit close their issues :
Closes #12
Authored by :
* Willy Micieli <otechdo@otechdo.com> the 2024-08-31
The commit type it's based on sky.
Without close issue
Author: Willy Micieli <otechdo@otechdo.com>
commit 443e48e96df5142b44599db744053b55a590c833 (origin/main, origin/develop, origin/HEAD, main)