Crate zordon[][src]

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zordon provides simple low-level abstractions for zero-copy parsing and mutation.

zordon types allow a single mutable u8 buffer to be treated as a series of u8-u128, i8-i128 or [u8; _] values without the need to copy data in the original buffer. Setting, getting and adding to the values is transparent via the methods implemented on the calling type.

The [MutView] derive macro can be used on a data structure whose fields use zordon types. Allowing a buffer to be parsed and manipulated like a typical rust struct.

Simple example

use mut_view::MutView;
use zordon::types::{ByteView, MulByteView, ArrayView, BigEnd, ModByteView, ModMulByteView};

struct Example<'a> {
    u8_f: ByteView<'a, u8>,   
    u16_f: MulByteView<'a, u16, BigEnd>,   
    arr_f: ArrayView<'a, [u8; 3]>,

fn main() {
  let mut input_buf = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05];
  let (mut example, _) = Example::mut_view(&mut input_buf);

  assert_eq!(example.u8_f.val(), 0x00);    
  assert_eq!(example.u16_f.val(), 0x0102);    
  assert_eq!(*example.arr_f.as_ref(), [0x03, 0x04, 0x05]);    

How it works

Deriving mut_view

 struct Example<'a> {
    u8_f: ByteView<'a, u8>,   
    u16_f: MulByteView<'a, u16, BigEnd>,   
    arr_f: ArrayView<'a, [u8; 3]>,

The derive macro MutView implements a mut_view method for the Example struct.

  • ByteView<'a, u8> specifies that the underlying data is a single byte value of type u8
  • MulByteView<'a, u16, LitEnd> specifies that the underlying data is a little endian two byte value of type u16.
    • LitEnd can be swapped with BigEnd and the data will be treated as big endian.
    • u16 can be swapped with u32-u128 or i16-i128
  • ArrayView<'a, [u8; 3]> specifies that the underlying data is three byte value of type [u8; 3]

Instantiating the struct

let mut input_buf = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05];
let (mut example, _) = Example::mut_view(&mut input_buf);

mut_view is called with a &mut [u8] as input, which it slices into multiple mutable slices of different lengths based on the field type. Ownership of each slice is transfered to it’s respective field.

In this case it will:

  • First, split input_buf at an index of 1 (since the length of u8 is one) - u8_f now owns this slice
  • Second, split the remaining slice at an index of 2 (since the length of u16 is two) - u16_f now owns this slice
  • Finally, it splits the remaining slice at an index of 3 (since the length of [u8; 3] is three) - arr_f now owns this slice

The return value of mut_view is (Self, &’mut u8) where Self is the calling type and &'mut [u8] is the remaining slice.

Setting/Getting values

ByteView and MulByteView

To retrive/set the underlying value, the val/set trait methods must be called.

use mut_view::MutView;
use zordon::types::{ByteView, ModByteView};

struct Example<'a> {
    u8_f: ByteView<'a, u8>,   

fn main() {
    let mut input_buf = [0x00];
    let (mut example, _) = Example::mut_view(&mut input_buf);

    assert_eq!(example.u8_f.val(), 0x00);

    assert_eq!(input_buf[0], 0xFF);

Retriving the underlying value for ArrayView works slightly differently. Rather than returning the data, a mutable/immutable reference to the data is returned.

struct Example<'a> {
    arr_f: ArrayView<'a, [u8; 3]>,   

fn main() {
    let buf = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02];
    let mut input_buf = buf.clone();
    let (mut example, _) = Example::mut_view(&mut input_buf);

    // as reference
    assert_eq!(*example.arr_f.as_ref(), buf.clone());
    // set
    example.arr_f.set(&[0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC]);
    assert_eq!(*example.arr_f.as_ref(), [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC]);       
    // as mutable reference
        let mut m_ref = example.arr_f.as_mut_ref();
        m_ref[0] = 0xFF;
    assert_eq!(input_buf, [0xFF, 0xBB, 0xCC]);       

Composite example

use mut_view::MutView;
use zordon::types::{ByteView, MulByteView, ArrayView, BigEnd, ModByteView, ModMulByteView};

struct ExampleA<'a> {
    u8_f: ByteView<'a, u8>,   

struct ExampleB<'a> {
    u16_f: MulByteView<'a, u16, BigEnd>,   

struct Composite<'a> {
    example_a: ExampleA<'a>,  
    example_b: ExampleB<'a>,   
    option_c: Option<u8>,

fn main() {
  let mut input_buf = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05];
  let (mut comp_e, _) = Composite::mut_view(&mut input_buf);

  assert_eq!(comp_e.example_a.u8_f.val(), 0x00);    
  assert_eq!(comp_e.example_b.u16_f.val(), 0x0102);    
  assert_eq!(comp_e.option_c, None);   

  assert_eq!(input_buf[0], 0xFF);

More examples

The crate (NOT PUBLISHED YET) uses zordon for zero-copy parsing of the PE format.


  • Zero-copy – Original buffer is split into mutable slices
  • Able to parse the following types: [u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, [u8; _]]
  • The types u16..u128 and i16..i128 can be treated as little endian or big endian
  • Auto implementation of mut_view for structs via the MutView derive macro.



Import prelude to get everything needed into scope


zordon types



Template for implementing ModByteView<’a, _>


Template for implementing ModMulByteView<’a, _, _>.


Template for implementing oper assign overloading

Derive Macros
