Module zerogc::vec

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Garbage collected vectors.

There are three different vector types in zerogc

  1. GcVec - Requires unique ownership !Copy, but coerces directly to a slice and implements Index
  2. GcVecCell - Is Copy, but uses a [RefCell] to guard coercion to a slice along with all other accesses.
    • Since every operation implicitly calls borrow, any operation may panic.
  3. GcRawVec - Is Copy, but coercion to slice is unsafe.
    • Iteration implicitly panics if the length changes.

Here’s a table comparing them:

Supported FeaturesGcVecGcRawVecGcVecCell
Shared ownership?No - !CopyYes, is CopyYes, is Copy
Can coerce to slice?Easiy DerefNo (is unsafe)Needs borrow() -> cell::Ref<[T]>
impl std::ops::IndexYes.No.No (but can borrow as GcVec which does)
Runtime borrow checks?No.Only for iterYes
Best stdlib analogyVec<T>Rc<Vec<Cell<T>>>Rc<RefCell<Vec<T>>>

All vector types are !Send, because all garbage collected vectors have an implicit reference to the GcContext.

The shared mutability problem

Because a vector’s length is mutable, garbage collected vectors are significantly more complicated than garbage collected arrays. Rust’s memory safety is based around the distinction between mutable and immutable references &mut T and &T.Mutable references &mut T must be uniquely owned and cannot be duplicated, while immutable references &T can be freely duplicated and shared, but cannot be duplicated. This has been called “aliasing XOR mutability”.

This becomes a significant problem with garbage collected references like Gc, because they can be copied freely (they implement Copy). Just like Rc, this means they can only give out immutable references &T by difference. With vectors this makes it impossible to mutate the length (ie. call push) without interior mutability like RefCell.

This is a problem for languages beyond just rust, because of issues like iterator invalidation. If we have two references to a vector, a push on one vector may mutate the length while an iteration on the other vector is still in progress.

To put it another way, it’s impossible for a garbage collected vector/list to implement all of the following properties:

  1. Coerce the vector directly into a slice or pointer to the underlying memory.
  2. Allow multiple references to the vector (implement ~Copy`)
  3. The ability to mutate the length and potentially reallocate.

What Java/Python do

Most languages sidestep the problem by forbidding option 1 and refusing to give direct pointer-access to garbage-collected arrays. Usually, forbidding option 1 is not a problem, since arrays in Java and lists in Python are builtin into the language and replace most of the users of pointers.

There are some exceptions though. Java’s JNI allows raw access to an arrays’s memory with GetPrimitiveArrayCritical. However, there is no need to worry about mutating length because java arrays have a fixed size (although it does temporarily prevent garbage collection). Python’s native CAPI exposes access to a list’s raw memory with PyListObject->ob_items, although native code must be careful of any user code changing the length.

This problem can also come up in unexpected places. For example, the C implementation of Python’s list.sort coerces the list into a raw pointer, then sorts the memory directly using the pointers. The original code for that function continued to use the original pointer even if a user comparison, leading to bugs. The current implementation temporarily sets the length to zero and carefully guards against any mutations.

What Rust/C++ do (in their stdlib)

Rust and C++ tend to restrict the second option, allowing only a single reference to a vector by default.

Rust’s ownership system and borrow checker ensures that Vec<T> only has a single owner. Changing the length requires a a uniquely owned &mut T reference. Mutating the length while iterating is statically impossible

In C++, you should only have one owner, but this can’t be statically verified. Mutating the length while iterating is undefined behavior.

In Rust, you can have duplicate ownership by wrapping in a Rc, and you can allow runtime-checked mutation by wrapping in a RefCell.

The zerogc solution

zerogc allows the user to pick their guarantees.

If you are fine with unique ownership, you can use GcVec. Unlike most garbage collected types, this allows mutable access to the contents. It can even coerce to a &mut [T] reference.

If you want multiple ownership, you are left with two options:

  1. GcVecCell which is essentially Gc<RefCell<Vec<T>>>. It has some runtime overhead, but allows coercion to &[T] (and even &mut [T])
  2. GcRawVec which doesn’t allow coercion to &[T], but avoids runtime borrow checks.

GcRawVec is probably the most niche of all the vector types and it doesn’t really have a direct analogue with any standard library types. It is probably most similar to a Cell< Gc< Vec<Cell<T>> >>.

Calls to get yield T instead of &T require T: Copy (just like Cell), because there is no way to guarantee the length wont be mutated or the element won’t be set while the reference is in use.

A GcRawVec may never give out references or slices directly to its contents, because other references may trigger reallocation at any time (via a push).

NOTE: A similar problem occurs with asynchronous, concurrent collectors. It has been called the stretchy vector problem by some. This is less of a problem for zerogc, because collections can only happen at explicit safepoints.


pub use self::raw::IGcVec;
pub use self::raw::GcRawVec;
pub use self::cell::GcVecCell;


The implementation of GcVecCell

The underlying representation of a GcVec


The garbage collected analogue of std::vec::Drain

A uniquely owned Vec for use with garbage collectors.

Indicates there is insufficient capacity for an operation on a GcRawVec