Attribute Macro zbus::dbus_proxy[][src]

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Attribute macro for defining D-Bus proxies (using zbus::Proxy and zbus::azync::Proxy).

The macro must be applied on a trait T. Two matching impl T will provide a synchronous Proxy implementation, named TraitNameProxy and an asynchronous one, named AsyncTraitNameProxy. The proxy instances can be created with the associated new() or builder() methods. The former doesn’t take any argument and uses the default service name and path. The later allows you to specify non-default proxy arguments.

Each trait method will be expanded to call to the associated D-Bus remote interface.

Trait methods accept dbus_proxy attributes:

  • name - override the D-Bus name (pascal case form by default)

  • property - expose the method as a property. If the method takes an argument, it must be a setter, with a set_ prefix. Otherwise, it’s a getter.

  • signal - declare a signal just like a D-Bus method. The macro will provide a method to register and deregister a handler for the signal, whose signature must match that of the signature declaration.

  • object - methods that returns an ObjectPath can be annotated with the object attribute to specify the proxy object to be constructed from the returned ObjectPath.

    NB: Any doc comments provided shall be appended to the ones added by the macro.


use zbus_macros::dbus_proxy;
use zbus::{Connection, Result, fdo};
use zvariant::Value;
use futures_util::future::FutureExt;
use async_io::block_on;

    interface = "org.test.SomeIface",
    default_service = "org.test.SomeService",
    default_path = "/org/test/SomeObject"
trait SomeIface {
    fn do_this(&self, with: &str, some: u32, arg: &Value<'_>) -> Result<bool>;

    fn a_property(&self) -> fdo::Result<String>;

    fn set_a_property(&self, a_property: &str) -> fdo::Result<()>;

    fn some_signal(&self, arg1: &str, arg2: u32) -> fdo::Result<()>;

    #[dbus_proxy(object = "SomeOtherIface")]
    // The method will return a `SomeOtherIfaceProxy` or `AsyncSomeOtherIfaceProxy`, depending on
    // whether it is called on `SomeIfaceProxy` or `AsyncSomeIfaceProxy`, respectively.
    fn some_method(&self, arg1: &str);

    interface = "org.test.SomeOtherIface",
    default_service = "org.test.SomeOtherService"
trait SomeOtherIface {}

let connection = Connection::new_session()?;
// Use `builder` to override the default arguments, `new` otherwise.
let proxy = SomeIfaceProxy::builder(&connection)
let _ = proxy.do_this("foo", 32, &Value::new(true));
let _ = proxy.set_a_property("val");

let handler_id = proxy.connect_some_signal(|s, u| {
    println!("arg1: {}, arg2: {}", s, u);


// You'll want to make at least a call to `handle_next_signal` before disconnecting the signal.

// Now the same again, but asynchronous.
let proxy = AsyncSomeIfaceProxy::new(&connection.into()).unwrap();
block_on(async move {
    let _ = proxy.do_this("foo", 32, &Value::new(true)).await;
    let _ = proxy.set_a_property("val").await;

    let handler_id = proxy.connect_some_signal(|s, u| {
        println!("arg1: {}, arg2: {}", s, u);

        async { Ok(()) }.boxed()

    // You'll want to make at least a call to `handle_next_signal` before disconnecting the signal.

    Ok::<(), zbus::Error>(())

zbus_polkit is a good example of how to bind a real D-Bus API.