[][src]Attribute Macro zbus::dbus_interface


Attribute macro for implementing a D-Bus interface.

The macro must be applied on an impl T. All methods will be exported, either as methods, properties or signal depending on the item attributes. It will implement the Interface trait for T on your behalf, to handle the message dispatching and introspection support.

The methods accept the dbus_interface attributes:

  • name - override the D-Bus name (pascal case form of the method by default)

  • property - expose the method as a property. If the method takes an argument, it must be a setter, with a set_ prefix. Otherwise, it's a getter.

  • signal - the method is a "signal". It must be a method declaration (without body). Its code block will be expanded to emit the signal from the object path associated with the interface instance.

    (TODO: there is no facility yet to emit a signal outside of a dispatched handler - use the Connection::emit_signal() manually as a lower-level solution).


use zbus_macros::dbus_interface;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;

struct Example {
    some_data: String,

#[dbus_interface(name = "org.myservice.Example")]
impl Example {
    // "Quit" method. A method may throw errors.
    fn quit(&self) -> zbus::fdo::Result<()> {
        Err(zbus::fdo::Error::Failed("You are leaving me?".to_string()))

    // "TheAnswer" property (note: the "name" attribute), with its associated getter.
    #[dbus_interface(property, name = "TheAnswer")]
    fn answer(&self) -> u32 {
        2 * 3 * 7

    // "Notify" signal (note: no implementation body).
    fn notify(&self, message: &str) -> zbus::Result<()>;

See also ObjectServer documentation to learn how to export an interface over a Connection.