zamm_yang 0.0.1

A basic, experimental code generator
zamm_yang-0.0.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: zamm_yang-0.2.0

yang 陽

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Yang is a rudimentary, experimental code generator. It both depends on Yin to manage its internal state, and currently only generates code for Yin.


yang 0.0.1
Amos Ng <>
Code generator for Yin.

    yang [OPTIONS] <CONCEPT> --id <ID>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -d, --documentation <DOC>    Documentation string for concept.
    -i, --id <ID>                ID of concept.

    <CONCEPT>    Name of concept to generate code for.


To generate code for the Target attribute with an ID offset of 2 from Yin's max id, run:

yang Target --id 2 -d "The target of an implement command."


This crate is named zamm_yang for consistency with zamm_yin. However, the name for this tool is just yang for all intents and purposes within the ZAMM universe. I recommend building the binary accordingly:

cargo run --bin yang