z80emu 0.5.0

A minimalistic Z80 Cpu emulation library

Z80 emu

Crate Docs Build Status Coverage Status Minimum rustc version License

z80emu is a Rust library which provides building blocks for emulators based on Zilog's Z80 CPU.

=|       |=
=|       |=                               
=|       |= ---------------- =[   Clock   ]
=|       |=                         |
=|       |=                         |
=|       |=                         |
=|       |=                         |
=|       |=                         |
=|  Cpu  |=                    _____|_____
=|       |=                   |           |
=|  Z80  |= \                 |           |
=|       |= <--------------> =| Memory+Io |=:::::
=|       |= /                 |           |
=|       |=                   |___________|
=|       |=
=|       |=
=|       |=
=|       |=
=|       |=

z80emu was developed as an attempt to create a minimalistic emulation library. It provides the necessary tools for the retro emulators to be built upon, avoiding any assumptions about side effects of those emulators.

Please see the documentation for a full introduction.

This repository also contains an example implementation of a complete emulator program.

Rust Version Requirements

z80emu requires Rustc version 1.36 or greater due to the usage of some macro features and api that was introduced or stabilized in this version.


This package is free to use for commercial purposes for a trial period under the terms of the Prosperity Public License.

Licenses for long-term commercial use are available via licensezero.com.

licensezero.com pricing