pub unsafe fn dcache_civa(va: usize)
Expand description

DCACHE.CIVA, D-cache clean dirty and invalid for virtual address instruction

Write D-cache or L2-cache (if applicable) table item corresponding to virtual address va to next level storage, and invalidate this table item.

This instruction operates on the current hart. If applicable, this instruction will operates on L2-cache, and decide whether to broadcast to other harts according to the share attribute of the virtual address.


Can run on M or S mode.


Raises illegal instruction exception, or load page fault exception.

  • When mxstatus.theadisaee = 0, this instruction always raise illegal instruction exception.
  • When mxstatus.theadisaee = 1, and mxstatus.ucme = 1, this instruction can be run on U mode.
  • When mxstatus.theadisaee = 1, and mxstatus.ucme = 0, this instruction will raise illegal instruction when being run on U mode.

Platform support

This instruction is supported on Xuantie C910 and C906 cores.