[][src]Crate xts_mode

XTS block mode implementation in rust. Currently only 128-bit (16-byte) algorithms are supported, if you require other sizes, please open an issue. Note that AES-256 uses 128-bit blocks, so it should work as is.

For better AES performance, it is recommended to use the aes crate and enable the aes feature in the compiler (see reference and aesni).


Encrypting and decrypting multiple sectors at a time:

use aes::Aes128;
use aes::NewBlockCipher;
use xts_mode::{Xts128, get_tweak_default};

// Load the encryption key
let key = [1; 32];
let plaintext = [5; 0x400];
// Load the data to be encrypted
let mut buffer = plaintext.to_owned();

let cipher_1 = Aes128::new_varkey(&key[..16]).unwrap();
let cipher_2 = Aes128::new_varkey(&key[16..]).unwrap();

let xts = Xts128::<Aes128>::new(cipher_1, cipher_2);

let sector_size = 0x200;
let first_sector_index = 0;

// Encrypt data in the buffer
xts.encrypt_area(&mut buffer, sector_size, first_sector_index, get_tweak_default);

// Decrypt data in the buffer
xts.decrypt_area(&mut buffer, sector_size, first_sector_index, get_tweak_default);

assert_eq!(&buffer[..], &plaintext[..]);

Encrypting and decrypting a single sector:

use aes::Aes128;
use aes::NewBlockCipher;
use xts_mode::{Xts128, get_tweak_default};

// Load the encryption key
let key = [1; 32];
let plaintext = [5; 0x200];
// Load the data to be encrypted
let mut buffer = plaintext.to_owned();

let cipher_1 = Aes128::new_varkey(&key[..16]).unwrap();
let cipher_2 = Aes128::new_varkey(&key[16..]).unwrap();

let xts = Xts128::<Aes128>::new(cipher_1, cipher_2);

let tweak = get_tweak_default(0); // 0 is the sector index

// Encrypt data in the buffer
xts.encrypt_sector(&mut buffer, tweak);

// Decrypt data in the buffer
xts.decrypt_sector(&mut buffer, tweak);

assert_eq!(&buffer[..], &plaintext[..]);

Decrypting a NCA (nintendo content archive) header:

use aes::Aes128;
use aes::NewBlockCipher;
use xts_mode::Xts128;

pub fn get_nintendo_tweak(sector_index: u128) -> [u8; 0x10] {

// Load the header key
let header_key = &[0; 0x20];

// Read into buffer header to be decrypted
let mut buffer = vec![0; 0xC00];

let cipher_1 = Aes128::new_varkey(&header_key[..0x10]).unwrap();
let cipher_2 = Aes128::new_varkey(&header_key[0x10..]).unwrap();

let mut xts = Xts128::new(cipher_1, cipher_2);

// Decrypt the first 0x400 bytes of the header in 0x200 sections
xts.decrypt_area(&mut buffer[0..0x400], 0x200, 0, get_nintendo_tweak);

let magic = &buffer[0x200..0x204];
assert_eq!(magic, b"NCA3"); // In older NCA versions the section index used in header encryption was different

// Decrypt the rest of the header
xts.decrypt_area(&mut buffer[0x400..0xC00], 0x200, 2, get_nintendo_tweak);



Xts128 block cipher. Does not implement implement BlockMode due to XTS differences detailed here.



This is the default way to get the tweak, which just consists of separating the sector_index in an array of 16 bytes with little endian. May be called to get the tweak for every sector or passed directly to (en/de)crypt_area, which will basically do that.